Preparing for Compelling Buying Opportunities with Jas Takhar

Episode 49 December 06, 2022 00:37:48
Preparing for Compelling Buying Opportunities with Jas Takhar
More To Life: Real Estate Investing Podcast
Preparing for Compelling Buying Opportunities with Jas Takhar

Dec 06 2022 | 00:37:48


Show Notes

Our guest today is Jas Takhar!


Toronto native, Jas Takhar, has been in the sales and service industry for over 26 years. Soon after deciding to try his hand in real estate, he founded REC Canada under Royal LePage, and for over 5 years has successfully kept his team in the top 3 in the country. 

With 50 realtors and 11 support staff, the team advises and assists over 625 buyers, sellers and investors, yearly, across the Greater Toronto Area, resulting in a total of over $2.1B in transactions. Jas’ area of expertise is in helping investors build out their real estate portfolios. Wanting to share his knowledge and experience with the masses, he wrote a book titled, Real Estate Intelligence, which teaches anyone how to buy or sell real estate on their own.

Listen to this episode to learn more about the following...

Tell us more about the concept of “Developing a power team”

What systems, processes, fundamentals or tools have helped you build the dream team you have today?

How do investors and business owners start working towards getting out of the scarcity mindset?

How important is mindset to you, and are there any other mindset principles that you see are very important to grow your passions?


and much more!


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:05 Hey everyone, it's Adrian Peno here with the Motor Life Real Estate Investing Podcast. We actually are on episode number 49. Super excited, grateful, stoked that, uh, you know, my podcast is being recognized. Our listeners have more than doubled, tripled actually, since we started. Obviously, things are going super, super well and overly, overly grateful for all the success we've had in 2022 as we approach the end of this year. So thanks everybody listening, uh, for all the great comments and feedback we're getting. Really, really appreciated. It's made a difference on the guests we're bringing in and stuff we're talking about. Um, before we get into our guest today, I wanted to take a minute and talk to you about a couple of things. Obviously the market and where it is today. I wanna reassure everybody that EPC is still buying at an abundance, and we are doing this because we're taking advantage of those purchase prices. Speaker 1 00:01:14 So we're not shying away. We practice what we preach. I practice what I preach, and, and right now is an incredible time and will continue to be a really, really good time for buyers. We all know we're in a buyer's market now in comparison to what we were in 2000, the earlier months of 2022. Um, so we're looking for buyers and ultimately some really exciting news is that we wanna help you or someone take advantage of this hot buyer's market. Seriously, guys. So we're reaching out today and, and I wanted to put this on our podcast that we have started what we call Share the Wealth Program under epc, where we're offering you to bring somebody to our inner circle and, um, joint venture partnership with our company. And obviously there's rewards for this, and I welcome you to, you know, reach out to me, get ahold of me, ask me some more questions about our Share The Wealth Program under our company and be happy to, uh, to give you those details and, and see if that's the right fit for you, excuse me, or any other accredited investor that you may know, um, under this program. Speaker 1 00:02:36 So, yeah, I just wanna leave you with that. We're still buying a lot of properties. We're looking for, um, people who are interested in talking to me about Share the Wealth program and how you could benefit by bringing somebody from your inner circle to our company, et cetera, et cetera. So reach out to me, let's chat about that. I hope some, everybody out there is taking advantage of this buyer's market right now and capitalizing, I can't stress enough. Really, really be, um, conservative on your numbers. Know those numbers, especially with these interest rates. Now, nothing's really changed, even with a bird. Yeah, you may have to leave some money in the deal as opposed to getting all your money out. And then some, which is what we've always, um, been used to over the last several years. Yeah, that's changed. But run your numbers accordingly. Speaker 1 00:03:26 And if you're running your numbers accordingly, at the end of the day, like we always say, it's all about the numbers. And I really believe if you ride this wave, you know, they're predicting a year and a half, maybe two years from now, you're really, really gonna be able to capitalize when the market turns. And we all know historically, every decade the market turns and every decade property values have almost doubled, if not doubled in value. So it's just stats, guys, it's numbers. It's knowing your numbers. Take advantage now. I really hope you are. And if you need some reassurance about that, reach out to me. Let's chat about it. I'll tell you what we're doing. I'll tell you about our new Share the Wealth program and we'll go from there. Let's get onto the show and welcome our new guest. All right, Hey everyone, it's Adrian Pono here with the More to Life Real Estate Investing podcast where we try to help you get more to life through the power of real estate investing. Speaker 1 00:04:21 Today's super, super spoke stoked, uh, a Toronto native jazz guitar has been in the real estate industry for over 26 years. Soon after deciding to try his handed real estate, he founded R E C Canada under Royal a page, and for over five years has successfully kept his team in the top three in the country. With 50 realtors and 11 support staff, the team advises and assists over 625 buyers, sellers, investors yearly across the gta, resulting in a total of over 2.1 billion in transaction. Guys, this guy is the real frigging deal. Jazz's area of expertise is in helping investors. This is why we're all listening to this one, helping investors build out their real estate. FOLs, wanting to share his knowledge and experience with the masses. He actually wrote a book titled Real Estate Intelligence, which teaches everyone how to buy and sell real estate on their own. Speaker 1 00:05:36 Further pursuing pursuit to educate and motivate. He develop a love for content creation and not only hosts one of the top business podcasts in North America, the Jazz to Tocar podcast, but also founded his own media company from the ground up media where he helps other real estate agents produce quality content. His hope is to provide inspiring education through his guide, guidance, seminars, content to aid others in removing the friction from their own life in order to help them get where they are and where they want to be. Dude, you're amazing and I actually had the opportunity to be on your podcast as well, which was quite a pleasure. But nevertheless, thank you for honoring us with your presence, my friend. How are you? Speaker 2 00:06:29 I'm good my man. Thank you so much, uh, for getting this done. I know we have to go back and, uh, forth a couple of times to get it all scheduled, but, uh, good thing for our teams brother, cuz if it was left to just you and I, we probably wouldn't have gotten it all figured out. So big, big kudos to your team and my team, um, in that sense to get it all set up. But yes, I'm so, I was so excited to not only have you on the podcast, but that episode has actually got released already. And, uh, my community's loving it, man. Just, just, you know, your, your your, your journey and, and, and some of the ups and downs that you needed to go through, um, with, with investing into real estate and you sharing that. It really hit home for a lot of people. Speaker 2 00:07:09 And, and you know, people think that you need to have this, this massive education when it comes to investing into real estate. But I think you and I both know, not only with our own stories, but watching others now, it's a matter of getting started, right? You get started. You, you, you make some mistakes. Hopefully they're not mistakes that are gonna cost you thousands upon hundreds of thousands of dollars. Um, and then you kind of adjust along the way. And so, um, I was just so, so happy to finally get your episode out cause I know we recorded it about a month ago, but now it's, uh, and uh, people are loving it, brother. So I urge your community as well to go listen to that episode. Speaker 1 00:07:45 Awesome, awesome. No, I appreciate that. So listen, you're huge. There's a few really important things I wanna get out there from you to our audience. You're huge about the world is abundant and the scarcity mindset shouldn't however you wanna word that. Tell us, tell us more about these phrases and how you've seen the them affect potential investors or real estate personnel for that matter. But let's talk about investors abundance, mindset scarcity. Speaker 2 00:08:18 Well, I think first and foremost, just, just growing up in the business community and, and, and really kind of in the, in, in the, in the sales industry, it's, it's, it's one of those industries where the top people, the top guys and gals, they kind of hold their their best strategies. They're, they're, you know, like, this worked really well for me in the past. They hold that close to their chest. They don't wanna let anyone know about it because they feel like the other salesperson or the other business leader is gonna take food off their table. Where I think the world is abundant. There's way, like, there's more than we actually need to go around. When it comes to investors specifically though, Adrian, I actually think it's the exact opposite. Like in terms of, it's one of the most, it's one of the most sharing and collaborative, um, um, groups out there because for some reason every investor kind of knows his or her first investment that they made and how scared they were and, and how many, how many barriers they needed to cross to kind of get that first one done where they're always telling other wannabe investors or first time investors like, Hey Adrian, don't go down that path. Speaker 2 00:09:31 Or, oh, make sure to use my mortgage broker. Use my real estate lawyer. You should really look in X area because we're starting to find some more deals come out. Right? And so that's where I started to see, oh, okay, the investing community's different than some of these other industries that, that that I've been involved in. I believe, you know, in collaboration over competition all day long, I think two heads are better than one. We can get more done by that way. But with, with investors, I think like if you're just getting started in, in, in investing into real estate, I got great news for you. If you go and, and actually physically go to the meetups and if it's, you know, you have to, you can't get across the country. You gotta do stuff on through webinars and, and on the Facebooks of the world, I implore you to get involved in those communities cuz you're gonna be pleasantly surprised on how much in other investors are gonna want to share their successes, but also their failures. And and obviously you're gonna run across some people who, who are just, you know, pricks for lack of a better word, but that's just life anyways. But with investors, I think you're gonna be pleasantly surprised how many of them will be willing to share their, their best strategies. Speaker 1 00:10:45 Amazing. Yeah. So especially I think that hits home, especially in this market that we're in now where everybody's thinking the world's about to end and interest rates are through the roof. How can a how can a scarcity mindset hold you back? Well, it's obvious it'll hold you back if you have scarcity, but how do you deal, like with investors now, if you're coaching them or your advice in that mindset with this market, how do you overcome, oh shit, should I buy now? Should I wait? Oh shit. How do you deal with that? Speaker 2 00:11:18 Well, I think first and foremost, and I I I always remind besters that being scared of values going up and down is kind of similar to being a, a, a goalie in hockey and being afraid of the puck. Like, it just wouldn't make sense. Like, why would you play hockey? Like, don't that, that's definitely not the position you wanna play in hockey. If you're scared of the park investing into real estate a hundred percent. Like I don't need to be noo, I don't need to have the crystal ball values will go down at some point, but then they'll always go up as well. Now we have a hundred years in the greater Toronto area, kind of where I do majority of my business, where my clients, 95% of my clients' port, uh, portfolio consists of greater Toronto slash Hamilton, uh, uh, investment properties. We know that every decade values on average double in the last decade we went through a four x. Speaker 2 00:12:12 But on average, if you even take away the last three, four years as the outlier for the last hundred years, every decade values have doubled. So now knowing that you don't need to be that smart, if you know that if you could just hold onto the property, the values will go up. If you're scared of them going down, I don't think investing is for you. I think, I think not, not everyone should get into investing into real estate because you do have to have a stomach for it. What I like everyone to get it because I know how much, how much of an effect even one property can have in, in your wealth creation. Like my parents, I always tell the story that like, luckily they bought their principal residence first one back in 1981 slash 82, but, but in 88, 89 my parents lost about $25,000 in a land development deal that scared the crap outta my mother. Speaker 2 00:13:06 I mean, 25, 20, uh, 20, 25,000 back in 89, I don't know, it's probably a couple of hundred grand now or whatever it was, right? Father being a father, being a a, a taxi driver his whole life, mother being a factory worker her whole life, that $25,000 was huge. A lot of mine, but it scared them so much that they never ever invested into real estate other than their principal residence. Now they gave myself and my two older brothers a lot, I'm not here complaining about it, but man, if they just bought one more property, like back, you know, even in the early two thousands, it would've for Xed at the time of this recording now, right? Bought something for 200,000, we'd be sitting with an $800,000 property right now. So I would like everyone to get their first property, but I also understand that it, it, it is scary right now for a lot of people, but again, news for you that this will come back around again in, in, and what I mean by that is that values will go back up again. Speaker 2 00:14:03 However, the time that we sit in now, and this is not for me to sound like I'm telling and pushing people to buy, this is a different market that we've been in as investors even a year ago for one main reason that we don't have a lot of competition right now. See, as an investor, when you're competing against an end user, someone who's gonna live in that property, it's actually almost nearly impossible to compete against them. Why? Because the, the, the couple sees, you know, their, their family growing there, they, they, they don't mind paying an extra 50, $60,000 cuz they're thinking about that property long term. As an investor that throws our numbers off sometimes it might, it might not make sense from a cash flowing perspective or if you're gonna do like a birth strategy to it, it's not gonna make sense. Even buy an extra 50, $60,000 if you need it to flip it sooner than call it a 10 year hold. Speaker 2 00:14:56 And so right now we're not competing against as many end users. And so if you have the long term mindset, you can pick up a property today and as long as you're not ready to flip it or, or are needing to flip it in a year or so, then you're not really speculating What you're doing is holding onto it and letting the values go up, let the rent be be paid down. And in some markets, and I know where you're you, you're kind of, uh, a situated agent. I mean, in Hamilton we've seen significant growth in rentals, right? And so we haven't seen that since the lockdown. And it's nice to see that rents are going up as well. And yeah, you might not get, you know, the same type of cash flow that you would've seen in the past, but cash flow is one way that you win with investing into real estate. Speaker 2 00:15:44 There is the passive appreciation there is the fact that the mortgage gets paid down there is the fact that you can force the appreciation by doing some renovations, adding a story. So there's more than, than just cashflow, but cash flow is important. But just I want people to also understand that there's other ways that you win with investing in real estate as well. And I apologize, I mean the one big one for me as a business owner, as somebody who already has a day job, I love the tax benefits, right? We don't talk very often, but investing into real estate offers you some tax benefits that that, that I think people need to look at as like kind of a fifth way that you win with investing in real estate. Speaker 1 00:16:24 Absolutely. And I echo all those benefits as well, obviously with the size of our portfolio now and, and and whatnot. But my, I repeat everything you say 10 x that because, you know, I love always like to say, like you say, just ride the wave, it'll come back, it'll come back. And if you can sustain that ride, you're gonna benefit at the end of the ride, right? Speaker 2 00:16:49 Right. And, and if you look at the fact, if you look at the fact that, that it's not going to become easier and more affordable for the people that are coming into our country that actually re like spells really well for investors because I mean, we have a little over 500 to 600, 600,000 people coming into the country in the next, I think it's four to five years. And we also know that on average, 50% of those people come to the gta, gt gt, you know, our greatest Ronald Hamilton area as I like to call it. Right? Like you got, you got 50% of those people coming into this area. We have a massive supply problem already. Like it was, you know, and, and I'm not trying to make a joke out of this by any means, but before what was, you know, the pandemic that came, we were already in an epidemic and that was the housing shortage. Speaker 2 00:17:41 Like we had a massive problem. It hasn't gotten any easier. Yeah, the government's gonna try to try to loosen up some of the red tape, but it'll be interesting to see how much they do that they are starting to talk about possibly, um, lifting some of the restrictions around greenbelt legislation that was put into effect in 2005. But, you know, I mean, there's two sides to that conversation, obviously. Um, but at the end of the day, we don't have enough, we don't have enough housing supply, but we have people coming into this country for great reason. I think it's the best country in the world call me biased, but I think it is. Um, but we haven't figured out how, where are all these people gonna live. We do know though that 50% of the people that not, uh, come into the country, come into the greater Toronto Hamilton via, out of which 50% of the rent. If it's not, it might even be a little bit higher than 50% again, for investors with tenants being our customers. That's great for business. Speaker 1 00:18:40 Amazing. Yeah, a hundred percent. Let's back it up more on a, a bit of, on a personal level, and I missed this and I should have asked you before we actually got into the first question and we touched upon it, or you touched upon it, essentially you, you, you indicated you didn't come from money, right? Let's talk a, let's back up the train a little bit. Tell me about how things evolved for you. Tell me how things grew for you in your world with respect to that. Speaker 2 00:19:11 Awesome. Um, for me, I mean I started off as really as, as as the sales guy. Like, I, I, I knew as a kid, six, seven, Adrian, that I wanted to, to be in this industry. In fact, at 12 by I got paid from my first sales job, which was knocking on doors, selling newspapers. And I like no joking, I thought I was gonna sell newspapers my whole life. Like, I was like, this is it. Like I get to knock on people's doors and, and collect, you know, deliver papers the week after and collect money. Oh, and they used to tip you, especially around, around Christmas, Christmas time. And I lived in a predominantly, uh, Italian neighborhood, um, who they always took care of you come Christmas time. And so I was like, this is it. This is what I'm doing for the rest of my life. Speaker 2 00:19:54 And, you know, slowly but Shirley got into selling shoes and not the Al Bundy type. Some of your older, older listeners will get that reference. Um, it was more help. It was, it was more helping sprinters and marathon runners got into car sales, um, at the age of like 18, 19, and then got into real estate actually, uh, you, you mentioned in the bio 26 years. That's kind of my sales, uh, industry. That's how long I've been in the sales industry. But real estate's been coming up to you exactly 18 years for me and, and, and my pits. You know, I got to see them work their asses off every single day. My father worked 24 hours one day and then had the next day off. He worked at the airport taxi. And that's kind of how the schedule ran. My mother, um, um, worked as I mentioned as a factory worker for, I don't know, about 35, 37 years. Speaker 2 00:20:42 Um, we didn't grow up with nothing, but we didn't, you know, we also didn't grow up with everything. We were kind of, you know, middle class, like middle in the middle class. And, but what I just got to see was hard work, man. And, and I knew that, okay, school's not gonna be really my way out. Um, what I'm gonna have to do is ride my wave, which was my passion, my talent, my skill, which was sales. But then I saw this person, like on on in my neighborhood who was shoveling the snow and, and, you know, cutting the grass of four or five homes, got to talk to him a little bit, learned that he, he owned these homes and he cut the grass and shoveled the snow and tenants paid him. I was like, that's kind of cool. And so I wanted to get to know that type of the, that that uh, uh, part of the business and the real estate side of things. Speaker 2 00:21:31 And that's what kind of got me to go get my license at the age of 23. Um, and, and, and the rest is history. Now I'm lucky enough to have a business partner in my real estate company. Awesome guy. We have 54 agents to be exact. Um, and then I just like to create a lot of content. I love doing people's podcasts like yours. Um, I have, I like having people like you on my podcast. And then I just, I really just wanna try to inspire someone to either find their passion in, in sales or find their passion in understanding that you could get out of the rat race slowly but surely. I don't talk about any get rich quick schemes, um, because I just haven't figured any of of them out yet. And, and to me it's about creating wealth long term. And that's done by buying and holding real estate, Speaker 1 00:22:17 Creating wealth long term by buying and holding real estate. And that goes back to me saying ride the wave. Because so many of my, uh, listeners, so many of my clients, so many of my JD partners are all on me. I don't know how many calls I feel a day, do you really think we should be doing this? Now? What if things, interest rates go up another 25 basis points? What if the market comes down another 15, 20%? Really, really like, and again, ride the wave, we statistically you can't lose, right? If, Speaker 2 00:22:57 Well, especially if you hold on, you're gonna lose if you, if you sell right? You're gonna like, especially, so I got people right now, Adrian, who are calling me. I mean, I'm, I'm fielding at least 10 to 15 calls that are similar to yours right now, um, of my clients and saying, okay, jazz, I bought something and now, you know, it's, it's not cash flowing. Um, I need to sell it. And I'm like, look, unless you have no choice and you cannot cover the negative cash flow, all I'm asking you to do is look at covering the negative cash flow for the next 12 to 18 months. Let's think long-term and, and as long as you can cover it, you were gonna thank me later. You know, I could have made the slogan of my real estate company anything I wanted to, I decided to make it. Speaker 2 00:23:38 I'm glad I did because I was hearing from so many people, I wish I had kept that property. I wish I would've invested 10 years ago, right? And so we made our slogan, I'm glad I did, because we want people to say, I'm glad I kept it mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, and so, so the people who are thinking, are the rates gonna go up by, you know, another, uh, uh, 0.25%? I'm telling you they probably are 99.9% sure that on December 7th of two, uh, 2022, there'll probably be an in increase of a quarter of basis point. And maybe in end of January, early February when they meet again, there'll be another increase of a quarter of basis points because we need to curve the, the, the, the, the mistakes that I think that the Bank of Canada made. And, and, and you know, in all fairness, they had no choice because they've never been through something like this before. Speaker 2 00:24:28 But I think we printed way too much money. We gave it away way too fast. And then we were too slow in actually increasing the rates. We wouldn't have felt these increases if we did small little incremental increases along the way. But it is what it is. We can't go back. Hindsight being 2020, we now need to just, I mean to, you said it a couple of times, Adrian, you gotta ride the wave and, and, and, and maybe more than a wave right now we're in some type of, uh, financial storm and, and, and I think one of the main reasons is, is because the, the Bank of Canada and like in, in their defense, but not that I agree with it, but hindsight being 2020, I mean, they've never seen something like a pandemic before. In my eyes. They, they printed way too much money, way too quickly, gave it to, you know, any Tom, Dick and Harry that asked for it again, for good reason. Speaker 2 00:25:20 In, in, in some situations. However, the, the, the, the lack of increasing rates sometime in late 2020, early 2021, I think is what got us into this trouble right now. Because we as home buyers and investors and Canadians in general, would not have felt the effect as much as we have right now because it's been so many increases and at, at higher than expected originally, right? And so if they made some of these increases late 2020, early 2021, even mid 2021, we probably wouldn't have felt it as much. But we're here now. So the best way that I think that investors, homeowners and Canadians can, can kind of figure this out is not to put their head in the sand, is to actually start to prepare. Look around. Is there places where you can start to maybe cut some of your expenses? Is there ways that you can also make more money? Speaker 2 00:26:16 I like to be on the offense. I kind of think you and I are cut from the same cloth in that sense agent. I don't like to play a lot of defense, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't prepare, but go on the offense. There's gonna be a lot of opportunities. So many multi, multi-millionaires have been made in times like this. Why? Because businesses are gonna be closing down. There's gonna be a lot of problems that are, are rising and have already arise in the marketplace. And an opportunist knows that that's the time to find solutions, and that's what our job is to do. If you want more in your life, Speaker 1 00:26:55 Find solutions. If you want more in your life, don't crawl under a rock and, and go hide. Find solutions and push. Right? I love that. I love that. I love that so much Speaker 2 00:27:09 Because I think, I think there's just gonna be so many opportunities even in the investing world, right? Um, I'm seeing it here in the city of Toronto, developers that were, that were maybe 50% sold, um, of a project that was gonna be built, I don't know, call it two years down the road, but they need to get to 75 to 80% sold so they can get their construction financing while they're opening up their checkbooks. And what I mean by that is, is that they're coming out with different types of incentives. They're, they're offering, um, maybe just lower prices. They're protecting against interest rates. I've seen some really cool incentives being offered something I haven't seen in 18 years. I haven't seen something like that. And so, um, you, if, if you are ready for it and you have the mindset, you know, that times like this compelling buying opportunities will present themselves, it's gonna be a matter of are you prepared for it? Speaker 2 00:28:04 And the best way to do that in the investing world is, is is sitting down with an independent mortgage advisor sit down with him or her. Now, I'm not one of them, okay? But what I would do is sit down with him or her and find out what ability you might have to get financing, and then you can start to talk to people like Adrian who offer joint venture opportunities. Is there value in a partnership with Adrian in the, in the team? Is that something that you even want to add in your portfolio? Maybe it is, maybe it's not. I think every single type of real estate deal has its pros and cons and anyone who tells you that there's really no cons to it, uh, you might wanna run away from them, right? There's always, always something that you need to consider. And sometimes it's just, hey, like the values are gonna go down. That might just be, you know, one of the, one of the, uh, uh, uh, things that you need to consider with the investment. But at least you know it up front. Speaker 1 00:29:03 Exactly. Exactly. I know we got a dead, we got a hard stop here in a few minutes because, uh, you're a very busy man and you gotta move on, uh, move on with your day, but I wanna get this, these last couple questions I ask every, uh, investor, and I'm sure people will reach out to you, jazz, uh, even realtors listening to this podcast or investors themselves looking to grow their portfolio and get some awesome advice from you. What's your why? Why do you do what you do every day? Speaker 2 00:29:34 Yeah, for me, I'm, I'm, I'm very curious now, and I always love that question, Adrian, because different parts of my life and different phases in my life, it's changed, right? My why has changed. At one point it was definitely, let me try to get some bags, let me get bags of money, is kind of what the kids say. And, and that was, that was at one point my biggest why. Um, at one point there was just a chip on my shoulder for all the people that told me that I wasn't gonna amount to something. I was like, you know what? I'm carrying you around. And I didn't just have a chip, I had a box of Pringles on my shoulder, right? Like, I was really, really driven by that. But now as a, as a 40 year old, uh, man, almost 41 years old, I have two little boys, uh, uh, nine and seven. Speaker 2 00:30:14 And, and I now know it's, it, it all comes down for the, at this time in my life, to curiosity, I'm curious to see how, how far I can take a God-given talent, which is like, I already know, 97, 90 8% of stuff I suck at the two, 3% is, is kind of my talent. I like, I like doing content. I like, I like bring inspiring people. That's kind of my talent there. And so how far can I take this now with the team that I have around me? You know, I used to think I was quite dangerous on my own. I really, really think I'm deadly now with this team that I've kind of this core group of people that I've put around me, kind of my, my my work family. Um, and now I'm curious to see how far can we take this? Speaker 1 00:30:59 Amazing, amazing, um, you're very successful now, obviously, and we say that relative to how the world views success, but do you think there's still more to life for jazz? And when you look at more to life, what do you see? Speaker 2 00:31:19 I, I I think, um, I do believe like I'm a, I'm a leader. Um, and now for me it's about how many more leaders can I develop? I get so much joy in watching three, four people on a regular basis. Now take the role of leadership. It used to be around me. Jazz, do you have a minute? Jazz? Do you have a minute? Jazz? Do you have a minute? And then it turned into, Hey jazz, what do you think about this? And that's kind of when you know that, you know, you, you're getting into that leadership status where the switch now is starting to happen. Hey, jazz, just wanted to let you know, we just finished doing this. Like, I'm not involved in every decision. I'm not involved in every conversation anymore. People are taking things and running with it on their own, which is just amazing to see. Speaker 2 00:32:08 And, and, and some of you know, these three, four people that, that are becoming leaders around me, I'm watching them have a team, which is kind of neat. And they're failing, right? Like, and, and it's cool because they're learning as well. And so to answer your question, Adrian, I do think there is more to life for me, which is developing more leaders awesome. And obviously my two little boys kind of being at the helm of that. Um, um, and I don't mean they need to lead the business world, I just want them to lead their own life. Like, I do not want them to be reactive to, to what, who the prime minister is. You know, no knock on any, like, I'm not a political, I don't go on political ran of that sort. It's just not who I am. I'm not that guy. But I also know like, it doesn't matter if it's Justin, Trudeau, Trump, Biden, you know, the s whoever it is, it, they don't pay my bills, right? I always say to people that what, what they eat won't make me go to the washroom. And I'm a big believer of that. I control my destiny and that's what I want the leaders around me to, to know as well. And then act on it. Speaker 1 00:33:15 Control your destiny. That's right, a hundred percent. If you could give very, very last question, if you could give one parting word advice to people getting into the investment world today to investors on listening to you on this show, what would that piece of advice be? Speaker 2 00:33:38 Don't, don't get the shiny investment object syndrome. What I mean by that is, is is learn about the investment strategies. Okay? But don't be the person that I still, you know, come across that, cuz I've been doing this for 18 years. So I've been speaking to people that I spoke to 18 years ago, and they're still considering between the multiplex and a new build or a mortgage investment and, and, and, um, a commercial investment. Because what, what happens somewhere is that they, they, they said, you know what, I'm gonna invest into a multiplex. And then they saw a preconstruction deal, I'm gonna invest in Preconstruction now. And then they saw a mortgage investment. So there was always a shiny object in front of them, but they never did the most important thing that would've actually created wealth with for them, which is simply just take action on any one of them. See, in Toronto, in 2022, if you look at it now, if you bought a parking spot back in 20 oh 2004, when I got into the business, a parking spot was approximately $25,000 in downtown Toronto. Today in 2022, that same parking spot, which there's really not many, but that same parking spot is about 150,000. Wow. So you could have made money with any type of investment as long as you took action. So my parting advice to people would be is take action and don't get the investment shiny object syndrome Speaker 1 00:35:15 Take action. Awesome. My brother, I, uh, I thank you so much for being on our show. I we could go for another easy half hour on the back and forth with some stuff we I wanted to touch on, but we're already into this now for 35 minutes. So jazz, how do people get a hold of you that want to reach out to, to you, get into business with you and whatnot? How do they find you? Speaker 2 00:35:40 I appreciate that Adrian. Um, uh, we'll definitely do a part two to, uh, uh, our conversation that you on my podcast, and then maybe we'll get a part two done on yours at some point as well, so we can even bring more value in terms of, uh, where people can get ahold of me. Um, I'm not that hard to get ahold of, just Google my first and last name. I'm on every platform. I have my own app in the app store and the play store. That's the only really place to see the full video of Adrian and, and I, for the podcast that he was on, just search my first and last name, um, and get ahold of me. As I mentioned, I'm not that hard to find. Speaker 1 00:36:16 Yeah, guys, he's on Instagram, like he said, every social media platform, jazz is spelled j a s And for you, for those of you driving in the car who are not looking at, uh, the last name, it's spelled t as in tango, a k h a R, jazz, tocar. And yeah, I, he's all over social media and I gotta, I gotta compliment you, dude. Your social media stuff is extremely powerful. It's, you're putting out a ton of content, good content. You know what, some people you just see it's boring and shit, or it's like, it's so repetitive stuff, but your stuff is genuine. I look at your stuff every day. Uh, so everybody out there too follow this guy. His social media is, is is on fire. Is Speaker 2 00:37:03 Really on fire. Thank you. It really means a lot. I mean, I got a really cool crew behind me. Um, I take it very, very seriously. It's something that, um, people always ask me, how much time do you spend a day on your content? And I tell them the, it's like a hundred percent. Like at all times I'm thinking about content. Um, and so for me, um, it really means a lot when someone has actually seen the content and has comment and has comments on it. So I really, the feedback brother. Speaker 1 00:37:31 Okay, my friend, I'll let you go. I know you gotta jam. Thanks again for being on this show. We'll touch base soon. Speaker 2 00:37:37 Thanks a lot Adrian. Take care. Speaker 1 00:37:39 Cheers. Bye. Cheers.

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