Converting Registered Funds into Passive Income with Roger Grubb

Episode 50 December 14, 2022 00:45:30
Converting Registered Funds into Passive Income with Roger Grubb
More To Life: Real Estate Investing Podcast
Converting Registered Funds into Passive Income with Roger Grubb

Dec 14 2022 | 00:45:30


Show Notes

Roger Grubb is the Owner and Principal Broker of Main Street Mortgages, a mortgage brokerage that operates under the Mortgage Alliance banner. Within the vast Mortgage Alliance network, he has been recognized as a member of the President’s Club, which celebrates the top 5% of mortgage brokers Canada-wide, for each of the past 10 years.

When clients require mortgage advice, he clearly explains all their options and guide them to making the decision that best suits them. He focuses on working with self-employed borrowers, real estate investors, individuals who have had challenges with procuring funding from financial institutions and first time homebuyers. These are the class of borrowers who routinely experience real obstacles to getting mortgage financing and he prides himself in working with this group to help them achieve success.

He is passionate about sharing my expertise with others so they can achieve the happiness and success we all deserve in life. He wants to help you win at the real life game of Monopoly, no matter what your own personal circumstances are. There is always a way to achieve your goals. He shows his clients alternative options that will help them realize their dreams.

As much as he values his clients and wants to help them be their best, his favourite roles in life are being a great dad to his four children and a fantastic husband to his beautiful wife.

Listen to this episode to learn more about the following...

Deploying private or registered funds into Real Estate.


The rule of 72 - measuring your investment opportunity

Assessment of rental vacancies in our current market

Focusing on controllable actions, like wealth building.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Hey everyone, it's Adrian Peno here with the Motor Life Real Estate Investing Podcast. We actually are on episode number 49. Super excited, grateful, stoked that, uh, you know, my podcast is being recognized. Our listeners have more than doubled, tripled, actually, since we started. Obviously, things are going super, super well and overly, overly grateful for all the success we've had in 2022 as we approach the end of this year. So thanks to everybody listening, uh, for all the great comments and feedback we're getting really, really appreciated. It's made a difference on the guests we're bringing in and stuff we're talking about. Um, before we get into our guest today, I wanted to take a minute and talk to you about a couple of things. Obviously the market and where it is today. I want to reassure everybody that E P C is still buying it in abundance, and we are doing this because we're taking advantage of those purchase prices. Speaker 0 00:01:10 So we're not shying away. We practice what we preach. I practice what I preach, and, and right now is an incredible time and will continue to be a really, really good time for buyers. We all know we're in a buyer's market now in comparison to what we were in 2000, near earlier months of 2022. Um, so we're looking for buyers and ultimately some really exciting news is that we wanna help you or someone take advantage of this hot buyer's market. Seriously, guys. So we're reaching out today and, and I wanted to put this on our podcast that we have started, what we call Share the Wealth Program under E P C, where we're offering you to bring somebody to our inner circle and, um, joint venture partnership with our company. And obviously there's rewards for this, and I welcome you to, you know, reach out to me, get ahold of me, ask me some more questions about our Share The Wealth Program under our company. Speaker 0 00:02:18 I'd be happy to, uh, to give you those details and, and see if that's a right fit for you, excuse me, or any other accredited investor that you may know, um, under this program. So, yeah, I just wanna leave you with that. We're still buying a lot of properties. We're looking for, um, people who are interested in talking to me about Share the Wealth Program and how you could benefit by bringing somebody from your inner circle to our company, et cetera, et cetera. So reach out to me, let's chat about that. I hope some, everybody out there is taking advantage of this buyer's market right now and capitalizing, I can't stress enough. Really, really be, um, conservative on your numbers. Know those numbers, especially with these interest rates. Now, nothing's really changed, even with a bird. Yeah, you may have to leave some money in the deal as opposed to getting all your money out. Speaker 0 00:03:14 And then somewhat, which is what we've always, um, been used to over the last several years. Yeah, that's changed. But run your numbers accordingly. And if you're running your numbers accordingly, at the end of the day, like we always say, it's all about the numbers. And I really believe if you ride this wave, you know, they're predicting a year and a half, maybe two years from now, you're really, really gonna be able to capitalize when the market turns. And we all know historically, every decade the market turns and every decade property values have almost doubled, if not doubled in value. So it's just stats, guys, it's numbers. It's knowing your numbers. Take advantage now. I really hope you are. And if you need some reassurance about that, reach out to me. Let's chat about it. I'll tell you what we're doing. I'll tell you about our new Share The Wealth Program, and we'll go from there. Speaker 0 00:04:03 Let's get on the show and welcome our new guest. Hey everyone, it's Adrian Penoza here with the More To Life Real Estate Investing podcast, where we try and help you get more to life and start living your dreams through the power of real estate investing. Believe it or not, guys, we are on episode number five zero, the big 50. And, um, it's a pleasure to have a friend and, um, uh, someone who I've actually known since I started my real estate investing career, and, uh, is probably responsible, and I hate to admit this, but he's probably responsible. And a lot of you have heard me tell my story how I got started. And this gentleman we have here today is probably responsible for me getting started, believe it or not. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and I've talked about him on, um, other platforms. But, um, nevertheless, uh, we have here today Roger Grub, who is, um, like I said, a friend of mine, someone who is responsible for getting me started. Speaker 0 00:05:14 And I'm gonna give you a quick bio on Roger, and then I'm gonna tell you actually how he's responsible before we get into some of the questions from him in my real estate career. Um, so Roger, um, is, is, well, why don't we get into it this way? His mantra is, the best way to achieve success for yourself is by helping others achieve success. Very powerful. By the way, Roger, uh, says, through my role as a mortgage and real estate broker, a mortgage and real estate investor, a serial entrepreneur, and a speaker, he assists clients in winning at the real life game of Monopoly by building them to make the best investment and choices with mortgages as possible. He is the owner and principal broker of Main Street Mortgages, a mortgage brokerage that operates under Mortgage Alliance Banner within the Vast Mortgage Alliance Network. He has been recognized as a member of the President's Club, which celebrates the top 5% of mortgage brokers in Canada wide for each of the past 10 years. Speaker 0 00:06:30 When clients require mortgage advice, he certainly can explain all their options and guiding them through making decisions that best suits them. He focuses working with self-employed borrowers, real estate investors, individuals who have challenges with procuring funding from financial institutions for the first time, and home buyers. These are the class of borrowers who routinely experience real estate obstacles in getting mortgage financing, and he prides himself in working with these groups of people to achieve success. He's passionate about sharing his expertise with others so they can achieve happiness and success we all deserve. He wants to help you win at life, at the real life game of Monopoly, no matter what your own personal circumstances are, which is huge. There's always, always a way to achieve your goals as according to Roger. And he shows his clients alternate alternative options that will help them realize their dreams as much as he values his clients and wants to help them in the best way he possibly can. His favorite role in life is being a great dad to his four children and a fantastic husband to his wife. His home is in Vaughn, Ontario, and when he is not teaching, mentoring and education others on strategies to create and build wealth, he likes to travel, read, and cheer on his beloved Toronto Raptors. Roger, welcome to the Mor Life Real Estate Investing podcast. How are you, PA Speaker 1 00:08:07 I'm well. I'm very well. Thanks a Adrian, and I appreciate the opportunity to be the, uh, to be your guest on number 50. Wow. Speaker 0 00:08:14 Yeah, big five. Oh, just ironically, uh, quite a milestone for us and a pleasure to have you as our 50th, uh, guest speaker, um, and quite, uh, quite the bio. Roger, obviously you've been in the game a long time, and I'm gonna get into your journey and stuff like that. But, um, if I can just take a couple minutes and tell the audience how I met you and a little bit of our background and story. So, like I mentioned just before your intro guys, I met Roger, uh, coincidentally, I was introduced to him and my mortgage was up for renewal on my principal residence, um, again, 11, 12 years ago, whatever it was. And, um, a colleague had introduced Roger and I together. And, um, we sat down and it was the first time I worked with a mortgage broker. I always just walked into the branch like a lot of people do, and, uh, you know, got mortgage advice or, or options from people at the branch level. And ultimately in, in meeting Roger, um, we sat down and he deep dived again, 12 years ago into my, my finances, the equity I had in my home and whatnot, and to cut to the end of the rainbow. Um, make a long story short, Roger basically convinced me to use the equity I had in my home and pull that out on a home equity line of credit. And I want to say Roger, back then it was around 200, 220 ish, give or take. I know you have hundreds of clients and probably don't remember, Speaker 1 00:09:56 I remember it being around 2 25 and I remember the, the reluctance <laugh> Yes. At the time, Speaker 0 00:10:03 Yes. I'm not gonna swear, I'm not gonna swear, but I was scared <laugh> beyond belief. And, uh, again, everybody knows back then I was just a police officer, um, uh, working all kinds of crazy shifts and whatnot. But yeah, so this gentleman here convinced me as scared as I was, leveraged everything, pull the equity outta your home and start buying real estate with it. And again, this gentleman here led me to, you know, that real estate career started. So I'm abundantly grateful, uh, for that. I've told that story, I don't know how many times over the last decade on how, cause everybody asked, so how did you get started, Adrian? That's how I got started. Cuz I sat down with this guy and he convinced me as reluctantly I was to, to start investing in real estate by leveraging the equity I had in my home. So thanks again, Roger. Um, for, for leading me down that path 11 years ago when we met 12 years ago, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd be where I am today. And probably you not either. Um, but yeah, it's kind of obviously exploded so enough about me. Speaker 1 00:11:22 Well, I appreciate, uh, the credit that you give me for, um, and it's in small part to, uh, to your success. I mean that, um, I I I guess I planned a seed, but you went ahead and took it and you ran with it and turned it into this, uh, the, this amazing, uh, uh, business venture for where you've created wealth for, uh, not only for yourself and your family, but all your partners and, um, you know, joint venture, um, and parties alike. And, um, and you've, um, um, the really beautiful thing about this is that, um, in owning these homes, you're providing homes of, um, um, yeah, beautiful homes cuz I've seen the work that you've done and your team has done for, for, um, for Canadians as they, um, either start their journey or, um, uh, or settle in, settle in as, um, in their current situation as they're, as they're getting ready to, um, start building their own well. So that's, that's amazing. Yeah. Um, that's, you know, that's, that's the best example of a win-win, win-win story that I've ever, uh, that I've ever come across. So kudos to you and thank you very much for <laugh>, you know, having the patience and the pa um, and the, um, and, um, you know, um, give me the opportunity at least to, um, to have those, um, those early conversations with you and being open-minded to, you know, journey to Hamilton because <laugh> Speaker 0 00:12:42 Yeah, I didn't know if you remember back then, I didn't know east, south, west, north, anywhere. You might as well drop me in a whole different country. I'd never been to Hamilton, but yet, you know, you were persistent and, uh, got me to go out that route mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which again, never looked back and, uh, you know, took the ball and ran with it, but it was you that essentially planted that seed, like you said, and, and, you know, just pushed me to do it and I did it. And I, I still do the sign of the cross and say, you know, thank you so much. But yeah, so enough about me. Let's get into your journey. Let's get into Roger Grub and, um, tell us, tell our, I guess our audience there, how you got started in this space, where you are now, and, and your growth throughout the last, well, since you started. Speaker 1 00:13:37 Okay. So I was, I, I, funny enough, I actually told a story yesterday. It's, um, they, they asked me, you know, um, what took me here and it, it my accident, but, um, it wasn't as essentially a direct path, my path. And, um, as, um, as a young man, I wanted to be a pilot. Um, I grew up in a, um, a small town in, um, in Jamaica. And about every 20 minutes or so, um, there was a plane, um, flying over. I'm flying overhead as it was getting ready to approach the Montego Bay Airport. And that, that caught my, that caught my attention that, uh, that caught my imagination. And that was where it, um, it all began. Um, you know, fast forward a few years, I came to, uh, to Canada to, uh, uh, visit, um, visit my mom. I was traveling by myself. Speaker 1 00:14:25 The flight attendant took me to the, uh, to the bed upon actually able to do that. Um, I got the nerve to speak to the, um, uh, to the pilots and asked them, how do I become a pilot? And, you know, he said, well, you know, um, as a young man, you need to be a geography in, um, um, and physics and, and math <laugh>. And, you know, my heart sank because at the time I was terrible at math. That was my, the worst <laugh> I wanted. Nothing to do with it. Yeah. Wanted nothing to do with Matt. But at, at that moment, because he said that, and that was my dream at the time. I wa um, it changed. Um, it changed everything. It changed everything for me. It started becoming, I, I knew that I, this is what I needed in order to, um, to, um, to get to that, uh, get to the promised land as work get done to realize my dream. And it, um, it turned everything around for me. Now, I didn't, um, um, uh, you know, veered off that path. I didn't actually become a pilot, but I see numbers in my head now so I can actually do these calculations. And it's very, it comes very easily for me. But that's essentially, you know, you talked about the genesis of your career. That's the genesis of my career, because it was more about, um, wanting to, having a passion for, for numbers. And that's where it actually started. Um, <laugh>, you know, I Speaker 0 00:15:44 Expect you to say that, but yeah, that's pretty cool. Speaker 1 00:15:46 Yeah, pretty cool. Yeah. So that's, um, you know, that ended up, uh, landing me, um, landing me a position, um, with a finance institution where I worked for, for a while as a financial advisor and, uh, uh, mortgage, uh, uh, mortgage rep and whatnot. And what, what actually made me jump, uh, change my career and finalize, um, yeah, finalize were where, uh, uh, where match or where, where start, what took me on this journey was, um, the finance institution that I worked at had a bunch of mortgage brokers, um, well, sorry. And the building in the building that I, the, the branch was situated and at, you know, I'd go out, um, um, so I'd hang out with them and get to know them a little bit. And, um, connected with this one particular gentleman. I didn't think he was, um, um, you know, particularly interesting or good, but, you know, he, um, he was personable. Speaker 1 00:16:45 Um, and one day he came into the branch, uh, one Friday evening, and I had to, uh, the teller brought the check to me to sign off on, and it was a check for, at the time, it was $45,000. And it was, I, I remember that because that was what I made for the entire year, <laugh>. And I had to sign off on this check, and I was like, okay, you know what, if this gentleman can do it, I can do it. Right. And at that's, um, I started, uh, uh, my career. My, uh, I switched, um, started looking at mortgage brokering as a career, as a bible career because, um, ultimately it's, um, um, that was as Oprah helped say the aha moment. Um, but, um, that led me to, um, that led me on this journey and that, and I, I, I didn't necessarily want to, um, um, it's not necessarily about the money, it's more about, um, being able to actually leverage both sides of, um, um, of my brain and actually help people, as you mentioned in my bio, um, help them build their wealth. Speaker 1 00:17:46 So that's a long story short. Um, 14 years later here I am, um, still educating people on how to go about, um, you know, um, leveraging equity, um, using, um, different creative or innovative strategies to go ahead and build, um, um, uh, to get into the real estate market. But, uh, no, no. Um, but also, um, invest in real estate, um, um, um, educate them on the, um, on the, uh, strategy that you focus on, which is the, uh, which is the bur and they're also, um, utilizing other ways to make passive income. So it's, it's, um, it's a, a long roundabout way of saying like, you know, I've been able to use, um, everything that I've learned in, um, in life. And I, um, and I, I, I deploy that, I guess, to, uh, to help others, uh, achieve the success that, uh, that they're looking for. Especially when they, they don't necessarily have that same kind of, uh, in depth advice that it, that they might have, or well rounded advice anyway that they might get, um, with a finance institution, unless, Speaker 0 00:18:47 Yeah, night and day, I couldn't agree more. Like for everybody listening out there, like, if you haven't utilized the services of a mortgage broker and you're just gonna walk into the branch, cuz you know, you know, your, your cousin works there or the, you know, the teller or something like that. Like, I, I can't stress enough night and day options that people like Roger and other brokers for that matter can bring you. Um, it just opens up a whole other, it, it opens up, it's like when you go to Costco and you have a million choices, <laugh>, you know, you just go to the convenience store and you have three choices to buy something. It's, it's like, yeah, Speaker 1 00:19:28 Well, it, yeah, it's more particular than that because, you know, um, it's, it's, for most people, it's the largest financial transactions, the most, um, it's the largest decision that you're gonna make. And you want, um, advice or you want to, um, options that are gonna be more nuanced to you. Um, you know, not everybody and, and not everything is, um, not everything is cut cookie, not every falls into a square. Um, um, you know, into a square packet. They're, they're, you know, everyone is unique. Every um, you know, every, um, every everyone's motivation is completely different. Why they want to get into why they want to own property. They know that they must, um, cuz that's, that's a patient of, um, um, building wealth. But how does it relate? How does it impact, how does it, uh, fit into, um, you know, what one's future plans or what's, uh, one's future wealth billing goals are that, that, and that's, that's the difference. Speaker 1 00:20:26 And that's, we, we take the time least, I certainly do, uh, take the time to go through it with, uh, with the individual to make sure that, uh, hey, listen, yeah, um, yes, here's, here's, you know, here's a rate, but here's another one. How does this, um, how does this work? What am I, uh, what am I looking at? How, um, am I looking at making a change in the next three to five years? Am I looking at building equity so that we can actually go ahead and, um, and purchase, um, uh, purchase additional properties, have, um, am I start business? Am I sending a kid to school? All of these different things come into play. And, um, so, you know, we, that, that gets factored into, uh, the advice that I provide. Speaker 0 00:21:02 Amazing, amazing. So, um, you and I had a conversation, I, I guess it was about a couple weeks ago, we hadn't talked in a bit and, uh, we jumped on and we started getting into a conversation, and I want to touch upon this for our listeners. Uh, we started getting into a conversation on using r s p money and other, you know, uh, registered funds, uh, whatever word I'm looking for, uh, using those funds to create passive income through potentially private lending or, or mortgages and stuff like that. I think it's important to tell our listeners a little bit about that, cuz I know obviously there's, there's people out there that are gonna have access to that or have private funds, registered funds that they want to deploy. Uh, can you tell me about, or tell us a little bit about that conversation and how that all works? Speaker 1 00:22:02 Yeah, yeah. I think, um, uh, in passing, I, I mentioned, um, you'd mentioned to me that, uh, uh, if I could share these details. Um, you know, you had some, um, some pension funds from when you actually, um, um, yes, left the, um, left the forest and you put that into, um, into, um, a lira, uh, which is a locked in registered account. And the investment advisor, um, mentioned that you were not able to utilize that for, um, uh, for real estate investing purposes. And you, they did what, um, what most people or most Canadians are exposed to, which are, which are mutual funds. Um, and if you've been paying attention to the market, um, you know, over the last, um, two and a half, well, over the last two and a half years, uh, the market has gone up tremendously. But over the last 12, um, over the last six to 12 months, it's, uh, it's, it's reversed it. Speaker 1 00:22:55 So any gains that you've made over the last, um, 18 to 24, the prior 18 to 24 months has been a raise. So we talked about, um, you know, utilizing it for, um, for real estate investing or, uh, more particularly mortgage investing, where the returns are, um, are more predictable. The, um, yeah, the principle is, um, is stable. You're not exposed to the gyrations of the market. And, um, those things are a little bit more controlled and that, that, that feature, that feature interest. And it's something that we've been doing, um, for the better part of the past. Uh, well, 12 years, I think, uh, since we started a fund. So I want, I want your listeners to, to, to think of, um, you know, um, an R S P or registered plan as, um, as an umbrella, right? And within that umbrella, you can have any number of, um, of investments. Speaker 1 00:23:45 So for example, you can hold, um, individual stocks or gold or oil and gas. And in this case, in our particular case, mortgages because, um, to, um, a lender, a mortgage and is an asset. So it is an asset that you can hold within the registered plan. Um, so we, so within that, uh, within the R S P, um, you're not actually withdrawing or taking that money out. It still stays within the R S P within that umbrella, as it were. And, um, we're, you know, we're using those funds, um, that money to fund, um, uh, private mortgages, um, well secured, um, investments. You're, you're essentially registered on title and that, that's the, the principle amounts, the interest, the term, all of that stuff is actually, um, um, um, it's actually documented. It's actually registered as a charge on the property. And the bo borrower has the obligation of obviously to maintain those payments, typically on a shorter term basis, six months to a year, sometimes in some cases up to two years. Speaker 1 00:24:48 But generally short term in nature, um, that interest flows back into the R S P. And once, uh, once the mortgage is paid out, those, um, that money, um, plus the interest, there's now available to, uh, to land out again. So I like to, um, um, you know, um, utilize the, um, the rule of 72. And I, um, I, I teach people this all the time and, and, and, and know your, your listens are, um, are very educated, so they're familiar with us, but for those that don't know it or, um, it's, um, it's due to them, one would, um, it's a really cool investment. Um, um, the OR measurement tool, that one that's will help you determine whether or not, um, an investment is worthwhile purch, um, getting into, you simply divide the rate of return by, or 72 by the rate of return, and that'll tell you how long it'll actually take to double your money. Speaker 1 00:25:44 So for example, if you have, um, the mortgage investments, um, that's making you, um, uh, that's making you 12, uh, um, that's making you 12% per year, in six years, you would've doubled your money. So if you started off with a hundred thousand, you're getting 12% in six years, you'll have 200,000. And in a further six years, um, um, you know, uh, that, that becomes 400,000. So those are the con uh, the conversations that we're, um, that we're having with, uh, with our clients with respect to utilizing their funds, the registered funds to invest passively, uh, predictably and, um, and securely, um, more importantly securely in, in mortgages. Uh, so I know that's, that feeds your interest, um, because you, you've been, um, uh, you know, having that conversation with your clients and with your investors and your partners about generating passive income, that's what, that's, uh, that's what the cashflow strategy use is. Speaker 1 00:26:40 But this is now a different way to participate in the real estate market without necessarily becoming a landlord, uh, with funds that you already have in either A T F S A or lira or Richard, uh, or, or an rsp. Sometimes you can also, um, we can also do with, um, our E S P, but those, that's, that's a little bit more in administrative. Um, well, it's extensive. It, uh, it's, it's, it's, there's a, whatever administration that we, we, we do for, um, the other registered products, the r the RSPs, that's the registered Education Savings plan. It's, it's 10 times more because there's, there's the, uh, Canada Education Savings grant, et cetera. So I don't wanna go on, uh, too much about that. I just want to, uh, just touch on the fact that, um, it's a registered plan. Think of the registered plan as an umbrella, unlike, um, and yes, you have more choices than just using a, um, uh, by, by just investing in, um, by, rather than investing in a mutual fund, which most financial institutions or most investment investment advisors steer you towards, um, you know, um, here's another way of utilizing those rich funds, but in a very secure and passive, um, sorry, a very secure way to generate that passive income. Speaker 0 00:27:57 Amazing. Yeah, when you mentioned it to me a few weeks back there, I mean, it sounded really, really good to me, and, uh, definitely a, a viable option given o obviously when I left the police department early, I, I got a payout. And, you know, the mon like you said, you know, the money's just sitting there, essentially. And the, the market right now isn't the greatest, like you mentioned with respect to that. So something I'm definitely interested in, and for those people listening, something I'm gonna partake in for sure. Um, so that's good to know. And I know, you know, even in my circle, I know some police officers that, um, I worked with who have, uh, since retired or took an early buyout and whatnot, or there's all kinds of different people out there that have done that with their employment or employer and maybe got a big chunk of change on a buyout or whatnot, and the money's just sitting in a, like you said, a mutual fund, really not doing anything mm-hmm. <affirmative> at the moment. So, food for thought, guys, if you're listening, it's uh, something that you can potentially take an advantage of. And we'll give, um, obviously at the end of the show we'll give everybody Roger's contact or, or how to get ahold of Roger, if you wanna explore that with him. And maybe yeah. Talk a little bit more about that with him and he can help you out. So, Speaker 1 00:29:18 Yeah, totally. Speaker 0 00:29:21 Um, so obvious, sorry, sorry. Speaker 1 00:29:24 No, before you go on, I just wanna ensure that I, um, for anyone that's interested, we created a guide, um, as a prime. Um, just cuz there's like, we, we, I kind of went, um, I kind of, um, gave you a quick dump there as far as what's, um, what involves, but for, for others it's, you know, it's a little, a little bit more involved. So I want to actually, uh, make that available to, um, to your listeners, um, and who, uh, who wants it sort of gives you a little bit more information Sure. About what it was, what it is that we're talking about. And of course, I'm always available for, uh, you know, for a quick chat for, uh, for information. Speaker 0 00:29:57 Amazing. Yeah. So everybody's obviously super interested about, you know, obviously coming from a, a professional like yourself, your take on what's happening in the market now and, um, if you still think it's a good time to invest in real estate, even though there's this massive shift, uh, in the market right now that we're experiencing, what are your thoughts about that? Speaker 1 00:30:22 Okay, well, I'm gonna leave the cliche alone, which is, you know, the best time to invest in real estate is yesterday and the best time to the next second best time is today <laugh>. But the, the, uh, the former, sorry, the latter point is, is, is is more so true now, um, in this market environment, simply because look, um, relative to what, um, what's happened over the last couple years, um, when we, uh, when everybody seems to have, um, be, well, everybody's favorite pastime during the pandemic seems to be buying homes and bidding up, uh, you know, um, bidding up prices up and taking advantage of low interest rates. Great. Like if you had the opportunity to take advantage of lower interest rates, um, but even, um, even better now that, um, the prices have come down a little bit, yes, rates are up, um, you know, relatively speaking substantially, um, relative to what it was, um, even, um, even six months ago. Speaker 1 00:31:19 But it's creating an opportunity, um, in my mind in that what's also increased are the rents. Um, rental vacancies are historically like incredibly low, like even lower than they were <laugh> six months ago. And that's, uh, and, um, you know, whenever you have, um, a situation like that with limited supply and, um, and high demand that's, that forces up prices. So the, the increasing rents, um, that we're getting, that we're seeing on, um, um, in places now, um, is, um, essentially, um, um, allows you to continue to maintain a positive cash flow even though, uh, the mortgage rates are higher as you're getting price low margin high, but cash, the rental income is high, um, creating, um, still creating positive cash flow in most cases. And then, um, I think what, uh, what what is likely to happen going forward over the next, uh, over the next 18 to 24 months is we'll start to see, um, a reduction in those rates. Speaker 1 00:32:18 We'll start seeing changes to the qualifying rates. Um, either the stress test will come down or we have extended amortization whatnot. So as, um, as so as rent, um, rents remain high, um, and, um, rates come down, one re um, is able to refinance and, um, is able to generate even greater cash flow. So, you know, the, the, the, the, the pandemic had the effect of, um, causing individuals who were, um, potentially looking to purchase, um, homes, uh, to be priced out of the market. Cuz we, we've seen that happen in, um, in, um, pretty much all the markets that we operate in. And what's also happening now is that the increasing rates is also forcing those same individuals who were priced out before when rates were lower, uh, and prices were, um, prices were higher, um, forcing them to continue to rent. So there's, there's a greater pool of, uh, there's a greater pool of potential renters, uh, qualified renters, and there's gonna gonna be the even greater pool of potential renters and qual, um, based on, um, the influx and the anticipated influx in immigration. Speaker 1 00:33:22 So if you have the ability to purchase a property now and hold onto it long term, and again, any investment should, al should always be long term. Um, when you zoom out five, 10 years from now, you'll see that, um, that that demand is not going to abate, it's actually going to continue to increase with, um, with, with people when people are having limited or lesser ability to purchase. So that's gonna create, um, greater renters, um, greater, um, greater appreciation and pricing because of that demand. So it's, it's, it's, it's really like a perfect storm. Like forget about like the, uh, the, uh, the rate situation. Cuz at the end of the day, we're, we don't, uh, that's not in our purview to control, we don't have any control over that. But what we do have contr, um, ability to control, um, is, um, is, um, is our deployment of capital for, um, for long term wealth building. And that's, that, that's, this is why it's such a great time. Do you agree? Speaker 0 00:34:15 Hundred percent. I'm excited about the, these prices because like you said, in however many months, nobody has a crystal ball, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But in however many months, rates do start to come down and prices do start to go back up and you're able to refinance and, and whatnot, like, you're gonna be sitting really, really good. Absolutely. Really good. And I'm seeing stuff now, like you said, six, eight months ago, even call it the beginning of January, you know, I'm seeing stuff now, a hundred, 120,000. Like I know in January, 2022, that was gonna be, you know, a hundred, at least a hundred grand more. We, we were buying stuff back then. So I've always said, and I've talked to so many joint venture partners, ride the wave. Yeah. Ride the wave. Ride the wave, like you say, long term investments, you know, you can't Speaker 1 00:35:12 Lose. Yeah. You're not gonna see the appreciation, uh, the price appreciation the way that hasn't been over the last couple years. I mean, like, let's face it, the last couple years it's been a complete anomaly. Like I, you know, um, never in our lifetime have, um, you know, have we seen that. Um, so it created an opportunity, um, uh, to extract, um, to refinance or take as, uh, much equity out of, um, out of our existing properties as possible. So now, uh, that capital is there, um, to be deployed in order to, um, you know, to acquire these, um, these assets that over time, you know, over the next, uh, 3, 5, 7, 10 years like that, that's, that should be a, a fairly reasonable investment horizon. Like, nobody's gonna turn around and flip a property now. Cause that's, that, that's, you know, that easy money is gone, uh, that opportunity's gone. But for those of the US who are now seriously looking at building, uh, long-term generational wealth, this is a time to do it. Speaker 0 00:36:09 Couldn't agree more, ma'am. Couldn't agree more. Um, we got time. We got time for one more quick one before we get into our lightning round so quickly. Cool. What else are you doing right now? What's, what's going on in your world? You, you always got your hands into something and working on something so you got anything going on behind the scenes? Speaker 1 00:36:29 Well, in addition to being like a, a, a mortgage broker transaction guy and doing all of these different things, apparently, um, now we also have to be content creators and broadcasters and <laugh>. Yeah. Um, and, and, and educators. So I'm a I'm a little bit behind the curve with that. You've already, you know, you're on number 50. I'm, we're getting ready. We're getting set up here to, um, um, to get started live doing our, um, uh, doing a podcast. My, my, I mentioned to you, my son who's in the business, um, uh, you know, much to my delight, he's, uh, he's kind of forcing me, um, Speaker 0 00:37:03 To get in with the Speaker 1 00:37:04 Times to get in. Yes. <laugh>. Yeah. I, I hear you. I cancel, I canceled my Yellow Pages subscription and Speaker 0 00:37:11 <laugh>. Yeah, I hear you. I Speaker 1 00:37:12 Hear you. Okay. But yeah, so he's, you know, he's been great. He's been, he, um, building, um, our, um, my studio in, um, inner office here. So we're gonna be launching Real Money Talk. So it's not about, uh, it's not your, your mortgage, um, discussion. It's all about different aspects of, um, um, financial, um, um, um, um, it's all about money, uh, anything and everything towards helping one, um, um, get their, you know, get their motive, their juices flowing with respect to money. So we'll talk about, uh, various different, um, various things, various aspects about mortgages. So whether be, whether it be, uh, real estate investing or whether it be mortgages or whether it be, um, um, whether it be, um, um, the markets options, uh, land development, all of these different things kind of come, um, come combine into one. So it gives me the ability to now, um, take everything that, uh, that's, that I've learned over the years and everything that we're doing, um, from, uh, from pre-construction to land development to, um, Speaker 0 00:38:18 And Speaker 1 00:38:19 Yeah, exactly. So I'm really excited about that, hopefully. Awesome. We'll be able, Speaker 0 00:38:24 What's the podcast gonna be called? Speaker 1 00:38:26 It's gonna be called Real Money Talk. Speaker 0 00:38:28 Real Money Talk. Yeah. So guys, keep your eye out for it. When do you think you're launching or you're starting episode one and whatnot? Speaker 1 00:38:36 So we're targeting, so we're probably gonna do, um, a break over the holidays as if, if things kind of slow down in the office a little bit between like the 15th of December and like, um, yeah, sure. The last January. So what, what we wanna do is, uh, the plan is to, within that timeframe, required a few episodes, um, to have it launched, uh, live, um, early, um, early January. And we'll, we'll, we'll promote that on. And then of course, we'd love to have you as a guest. Speaker 0 00:39:03 Awesome. Yeah. Exciting, exciting. I knew you had your, your hands into something, so. Yeah. Well, you always got something on the go Speaker 1 00:39:10 Get me young Speaker 0 00:39:11 <laugh>. Yeah. You know what they say, if you need something done, ask a busy person, you'll, you'll find a way to get it done. Exactly. Awesome. So getting into our final lightning round, um, couple quick, bam, bam, bam. And that's a wrap. Um, what is your, why Roger, why do you do what you do? Speaker 1 00:39:34 You know, it's, um, my family's my wife, you know, um, you being a former police officer, you know the statistic a lot better than I do, but, um, you know, I'm, I'm a product of a single parent, um, um, household and, uh, generally speaking, um, the odds of, um, um, overcoming, um, um, challenges are, are a lot harder. You're, you're, you're, you're doing, um, you're doing, you, you have to do more with, um, with less. So my goal, uh, my goal when I started, uh, I'm on my journey. I wanted to make sure that I, um, I, I'm a, I'm a father, I'm a provider. I'm a fa um, I, I want, um, essentially provide my kids, my family, the life that they've, um, that I never had. And I thought that I, um, that I, um, that I could, um, that I could, that nobody thought that I could have <laugh>, right? Speaker 1 00:40:37 So that was, uh, that, that's, um, that's, that sticks in the back of my mind, and it's, and it's the constant motivator to keep me going, to keep, uh, um, to keep this whole, um, um, you know, thing going. And, um, that drives me to, that drives me to create businesses and to create opportunities to make sure that, you know, not only my kids, but you know, um, everybody else like, um, that, um, that has access to this information because it was through a mentor that allowed me to achieve, um, what I've been able to achieve. And I want, I wanna pay forward and I wanna do things, um, um, you know, um, to help, to help build on that to, um, to, you know, to make a pe uh, people understand that yes, you can do it too. That's exactly not, that's all what we do is, um, that's fantastic, but, oh, sorry, <laugh>, it's fantastic. It's not rocket science, but you actually have, um, you know, you, you need the right, you, you need the right guidance, you need the right advice. You, you need the right, uh, you know, you need the right footsteps to follow as you exactly as well, you know. Speaker 0 00:41:39 Awesome. Last question. Last question. Yep. Um, obviously you're very successful now, Roger, and we say that relative to how the worldview success, but do you think there's still more to life for Roger Grub? And when you picture more to life, what do you see? Speaker 1 00:42:04 Uh, totally. There's always more to life. Um, it's, um, one doesn't actually have to life for that house first and foremost. That is my, um, um, you know, you know, my thing is to always, um, um, ensure, um, that I'm eating healthy, we're working out and we're making sure that, um, um, um, our, our, our health is, um, is top-notch. Um, otherwise <laugh> hell, there's nothing. Yeah, that's, that's number one. And number two, of course, I love to travel. Uh, that's one of the things my wife and I, uh, truly, uh, tru, uh, truly enjoy. So, um, all this, the why is to, um, is to ensure that when I'm ready to actually pass on or even now, um, we can actually enjoy this beautiful world of our, and see you can connect with people from the different, uh, different walks of life and different, uh, different cultures, different nationalities, and actually, um, experience their as, uh, we were meant to. Speaker 0 00:43:05 Amazing. Yeah. I love, I love to travel as well and meet new and, you know, interesting different people across the world and see their, their life, their culture. I love that. I I couldn't agree more. Um, I, I couldn't agree more. So amazing. Roger, how do people get ahold of you and they want to get into business with you or you help them out investing their money, getting them, I mean, you got me started 12 years ago, <laugh>, uh, you definitely can you add value to their life? How do people get ahold of Speaker 1 00:43:41 You? I am only a phone call away. Uh, I'll give you my number. It says 4 1 6 8 2 1 9 6 3 4. Hasn't changed in 30 years, um, by, uh, email at, um, <inaudible> main street,, um, or some, um, um, some younger folks via Instagram at Roger, Mr Mortgage, uh, at Roger, Mr. Mortgage, uh, via Instagram. Awesome. So it's, uh, still getting on TikTok, but uh, that's gonna come <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:44:09 Yeah. Yeah. You're like me. Social media. It, it's like the next best thing or it it's necessary. It, it really is. Even especially being entrepreneurs in, in, in this field, uh, it, it's totally taken over. It's incredible. TikTok, Instagram, like you name it. So yeah, a hundred percent. What's your cell number again? One last time? Speaker 1 00:44:33 4, 1 6, 8, 2, 1, 9, 6, 3, 4. Speaker 0 00:44:38 And guys, uh, Rogers, r o g e r. And Grub, for those of you are driving in the car and don't see the screen, G R U B b Roger, it's been great, uh, some great words of wisdom. Guys. If you reach out to Roger, you'll probably have a ton more wisdom you can extract outta him, and, and he can get you definitely going in the right direction he did for me over a decade ago, and, and I, I haven't looked back. Reach out to Roger and, uh, he can help you get started. On that note, Roger, thanks again. I appreciate getting you started. Thanks again for being on our show, and, uh, yeah, I look forward to being interviewed on your show in the New York future. Speaker 1 00:45:25 All right. What's the date? Speaker 0 00:45:26 All right, Speaker 1 00:45:27 Cheers. Thanks so much for having me. Appreciate it. Bye-bye.

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