Buying and Selling Real Estate on Your Own Terms with Chris Prefontaine

Episode 51 December 31, 2022 00:31:37
Buying and Selling Real Estate on Your Own Terms with Chris Prefontaine
More To Life: Real Estate Investing Podcast
Buying and Selling Real Estate on Your Own Terms with Chris Prefontaine

Dec 31 2022 | 00:31:37


Show Notes

Chris Prefontaine is the four-time best-selling author of Real Estate on Your Terms, The New Rules of Real Estate Investing, and Sell With Authority for Real Estate Investors. He’s also founder of the Wicked Smart companies and host of the Smart Real Estate Coach Podcast. 

Chris has been in real estate for over 31 years. His experience ranges from constructing new homes in the 1990s and owning a Realty Executive Franchise to running his own investments (commercial & residential) and coaching clients throughout North America. After the crash of 2008, Chris reengineered his entire business to weather all storms and economic cycles. Understanding these challenges, he helps students navigate the constantly changing real estate waters. 

Today, Chris and his family and team run their own creative financing business and are still in the trenches every day. Their main focus is helping students across North America plan their escape from their W-2 jobs by getting in the trenches and doing deals with them. They’ve completed over $100 million in transactions.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the following...

- What does it mean to buy real estate on your terms, and the relationship between terms and creative financing.

- What different types of creative real estate financing are available to an investor, do you have a specific preference or some you stay away from?

- Explain to us the importance of becoming “Recession Resistant” in your business and investing life.

and much more!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Hey everyone, it's Adrian Peno here with the Motor Life Real Estate Investing Podcast. We actually are on episode number 49. Super excited, grateful, stoked that, uh, you know, my podcast is being recognized. Our listeners have more than doubled, tripled actually since we started. Obviously, things are going super, super well and overly overly grateful for all the success we've had in 2022 as we approach the end of this year. So thanks to everybody listening, uh, for all the great comments and feedback we're getting really, really appreciated. It's made a difference on the guests we're bringing in and stuff we're talking about. Um, before we get into our guest today, I wanted to take a minute and talk to you about a couple of things. Obviously the market and where it is today. I want to reassure everybody that E P C is still buying it in abundance, and we are doing this because we're taking advantage of those purchase prices. Speaker 0 00:01:10 So we're not shying away. We practice what we preach. I practice what I preach, and, and right now is an incredible time and will continue to be a really, really good time for buyers. We all know we're in a buyer's market now in comparison to what we were in 2000, near earlier months of 2022. Um, so we're looking for buyers and ultimately some really exciting news is that we wanna help you or someone take advantage of this hot buyer's market. Seriously, guys. So we're reaching out today and, and I wanted to put this on our podcast that we have started what we call Share the Wealth program under E P C, where we're offering you to bring somebody to our inner circle and, um, joint venture partnership with our company. And obviously there's rewards for this and I welcome you to, you know, reach out to me, get ahold of me, ask me some more questions about our Share the Wealth program under our company. Speaker 0 00:02:18 I'd be happy to, uh, to give you those details and, and see if that's a right fit for you, excuse me, or any other accredited investor that you may know, um, under this program. So, yeah, I just wanna leave you with that. We're still buying a lot of properties. We're looking for, um, people who are interested in talking to me about Share the Wealth program and how you could benefit by bringing somebody from your inner circle to our company, et cetera, et cetera. So reach out to me, let's chat about that. I hope some, everybody out there is taking advantage of this buyer's market right now and capitalizing, I can't stress enough. Really, really be, um, conservative on your numbers. Know those numbers, especially with these interest rates now, nothing's really changed even with a bird. Yeah, you may have to leave some money in the deal as opposed to getting all your money out and then somewhat, which is what we've always, um, been used to over the last several years. Speaker 0 00:03:19 Yeah, that's changed. But run your numbers accordingly. And if you're running your numbers accordingly, at the end of the day, like we always say, it's all about the numbers. And I really believe if you ride this wave, you know, they're predicting a year and a half, maybe two years from now, you're really, really gonna be able to capitalize when the market turns. And we all know historically, every decade the market turns and every decade property values have almost doubled, if not doubled in value. So it's just stats, guys, it's numbers. It's knowing your numbers. Take advantage now. I really hope you are. And if you need some reassurance about that, reach out to me, let's chat about it. I'll tell you what we're doing. I'll tell you about our new Share the Wealth program and we'll go from there. Let's get onto the show and welcome our new guest. Speaker 0 00:04:08 Hey everyone, it's Adrian Penoza here with the More to Life Real Estate Investing podcast, helping you get more to life so you can start living your powers and your dreams through real estate investing. Chris Prefontaine, did I pronounce that properly? Absolutely perfect. Prefontaine is the four time best-selling off author of real estate on your terms, the new rules of real Estate investing and Sell with authority for real estate investors. He also is the founder of the Wicked Smart Companies and host of the Smart Real Estate Coach podcast. Chris has been in real estate and in this game now for over Get this one guys 31 years and I thought I was at it a lot. And I'm at 11. So 31 years of experience ranging from construction new homes in the 1990s and owning a real a realty executive franchise to running his own investments, both residential platform and commercial coaching clients throughout North America. Speaker 0 00:05:25 After the crash in 2008, Chris re-engineered his entire business to weather all the storms in ancon economic cycles. Understanding these challenges, he helps students navigate the constantly changing real estate waters. Today Chris and his family and team run their own creative financing business and are still in the trenches every day. Their main focus is helping students across North America plan their escape from their Y two jobs by getting into the trenches and doing deals with them. They've completed over yet this one a hundred million dollars in transactions. So needless to say, for everybody listening, there's no shortage of experience coming from, uh, Chris and his everything I guess he's experienced and accomplished in the real estate investing gain. So Chris, thanks for being on our show. Pleasure to have you, my friend. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:06:32 Thank you AJ and I look forward to diving in and, uh, helping Alyssa. Anyway, we both can. Speaker 0 00:06:37 Awesome, awesome. So Chris, uh, for those of who you are not, for those of our audience are not familiar with your story and your background and whatnot, can you give us a, I guess bring us from the start to where we are today and Cole's notes version on how you've been one spectrum to the other? Speaker 1 00:06:56 Yeah, so other than what you already said, thank you for that. Um, uh, I started back in the early nineties building homes, um, and then you, you kind of pieced in the rest of the journey there, uh, in the bio. And then just to fast forward it to today, because of the crash of oh eight, we basically re-engineered everything we do, uh, after I had to take time mentally to get outta my own way after the crash. And we, and that is we don't use banks and we don't sign personally on loans and we don't use our own cash. Uh, that's because I had no choice coming outta the crash. That's what I engineered. And then I didn't realize what it would morph into, uh, to have now students, as you alluded to all the North America doing deals. And then the big caveat there, and I'll then I'll toss it back to you, is we do deals with the students. So it's interactive. I think it's really cool to go to a seminar or read a book, but the fact is you go to do it and then life happens and reality happens and then they, you know, you get intimidated sometimes. So when you get someone locking arms with you and you're interacting live in a deal, that's the best way to learn in my opinion. So that's the model that we run on. Speaker 0 00:08:05 You said something really interesting, you caught my ear and I'm sure you caught everybody else's ear. We don't use our own cash, we don't sign or guarantee our loans on and on. Can you, can you explain that a little bit further? Speaker 1 00:08:19 Sure, yeah. How Speaker 0 00:08:20 Does that work? Speaker 1 00:08:20 Yeah. We only buy three ways. Okay. One is a no particular priority order, one is, uh, owner financing and we niche that down. Another layer we do owner financing with sellers who are debt free. They have no, they're free and clear the mortgage, and there's a reason we do that. I can come back to that. And then the second way we buy is subject to existing financing, where I'll buy their home, the loan that they guaranteed stays in their name, but we take ownership. And the third way is, uh, lease purchase. Um, those are only three ways we buy and all three of those re require no two tiny amounts. If you, if you're buying, you might have a closing cost, but no to little money. And we never take out loans. So, you know, at our peak during Covid, we probably held not the students, just our own family held like 72 properties or so and not one loan were we on personally. And man, what a big difference from during the crash when I put my head on the pillow every night thinking, okay, I'm on these personally and the market's taken, that's a big difference. Uh, so the stress level is needless to say, a little less <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:09:27 Yeah, for sure. So just to recap, you're, you're getting that loan from the seller who has uh, no mortgage on the property Speaker 1 00:09:38 In the owner financing case. Yes. And the beauty of that, Adrian, why I love that one is, and why we talk to free and clear people is they are typically wanting the best price. We're okay with that if we get a long term because on like 99% of the deals we're structuring principle only monthly payments back to the seller, no interest. So in a market that you know, is going sideways or down, you have a nice recession hedge, I call it, when you're pounding principle down every month, say for 4, 5, 8, 10 years, that's a massive principle reduction and that's why they're so lucrative the deals. Speaker 0 00:10:20 Wow. Yeah. I never thought of that like that. That's amazing. Alright, um, Chris, you are the founder of Smart Real Estate Coach, empowering individuals and families to create the life of their dreams. Talk to me, what is the smart, real real estate coach and how has it grown since 2014? Speaker 1 00:10:41 Yeah, so in 14, I literally wrote a little ebook. Somebody asked me to write an ebook to send to their database. It was a virtual assistant company who had other investors as clients and they said, I think what you do could help them cuz you write an ebook. I said, sure. We called it Eat That Sandwich. We wrote, we wrote the book, we sent it out, about 300 people said, I want a free copy. So we said, okay. So that started our, literally started our company. Uh, and then a gentleman locally here in the community who was at the War college. We have like a training war college here. And it's been there since the early wars. Um, he called to say he is going back to civilian life and could I help him? He heard about us, he heard about me at the time it was just me and 14, uh, in 15. Speaker 1 00:11:22 My son Nick joined in 16, my son-in-law and my daughter joined. And then since then the company's grown to about 20 people. Um, we hit the ink, 5,000 fastest growing companies in US in the last two years. So I didn't know back then it would morph into this, but I think what the key thing is, we're sort of part of a, a neat community that really cares about helping people now. Um, we don't have to because of how we buy, go out and low ball price wise, like I said earlier, we can pay the price and, and really be a win for the sellers, uh, in most cases. And so it's morphed into a company that started at 14 grand in sales and uh, this year will be somewhere over 4 million. That's what, that's what's kind of transpired over the last eight years. Speaker 0 00:12:02 Wow. Tremendous growth. Tremendous growth. Congratulations on that. Thank you. Um, tell us more about the Wicked Smart community and the experience of learning through the programs and whatnot. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:19 Um, so of what I alluded to early Adrian when I said people take a course and then they're kind of on their own. Well, our community's pretty cool because, uh, if you go on like we have Slack, that's the platform you used to communicate. Yeah. And so it used to be, you know, back in the day I'd be coaching 15 people. Right now there's like 140 people in the community and there's certified coaches and there's people that have been more seasoned. So if you're brand new and you post a question cuz you just had an appointment or you had a negotiation or objection, you'll get, you know, a couple dozen answers right on the spot. So I think it's a great place to kind of lean on people. It's a great place to say, Hey, I got challenges this week. Who's gone through this? The the community aspect I think is important as people are learning. At least that's what I've seen now in hindsight, super important versus I took a seminar and I'm out there and is this right? Is it wrong? Am I messing up? Am I being okay? It's a, it's a nice community to lean on. Speaker 0 00:13:13 Yeah, sounds like it. Wow. So how are you inspiring investors and entrepreneurs to take that first step towards creating consistent income with real estate? You must be a master at it with all your, your, your experience. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:13:33 I mean, couple things that come to mind when you ask it that way. Like when people come in, they all get taught the same curriculum. We actually have a, over the years have really fine tuned like a 90 day curriculum when they start, I don't care what level they start at, how aggressive or slow they want to go, they all start at that 90 day curriculum. And so that begs the question, why do people come out faster or slower than as far as getting to their first deal? If the skillset's taught the same, why is it different result? It's because we all come to the table with different baggage, right? Different skill sets or lack thereof. Like me coming out of the crash, it took me a long time to get mentally outta my way. So I had mental things to work on. Other people come in, they might have disciplines to work on, but everybody's different. So the, the fastest path is gonna be more customized for every single person, yet they all start in the same curriculum. Does that make sense? Speaker 0 00:14:26 Right, right. And that 90 day curriculum, I guess when that, is there still ongoing support after that period is over? Or how does that look? Speaker 1 00:14:38 Yeah, most of our, we call 'em associates, the people we revenue share with and coach, most of them are between one and three year contracts. And then most of them, after their contract's up, they want to stick around. I, we've gotten comments month after month, like to the effect of, Hey, I understand my contracts ending, but you guys are like family now. You know, that's just the, the closest of the community. So we have a continuity program, they can stick around and do everything, you know, as part of that. Speaker 0 00:15:03 Nice. Yeah. Nice. Uh, you trademarked the term, uh, quote unquote three payday and referenced it in many different media outlets. Tell us more about what the phrase means to you and the value, uh, behind this, uh, understanding this phrase. Speaker 1 00:15:23 Yeah, so, um, when I started back after the crash, there were sort of, you know, if you had to describe it, I'd say, okay, I kind of drew a line or a box and said, what are these kind of protocol? What are the rules that I'm gonna operate under if I'm gonna get back into real estate after getting beat up? And one of 'em was the bank thing we talked about, but the other one was, okay, I'm used to getting paid. At that point I was in 18 years, I'm used to getting paid really well. One time though, on a deal when I was a realtor, a builder, an investor, I did a deal and I got paid a, again, I don't have any complaints about it, but it's once. And so every January I'd go, ah, I gotta get back on the treadmill. I gotta recreate that type of income again. Speaker 1 00:16:03 And sometimes, not sometimes like every January, that would be depressing. So the three payday system allows you to kind of combine different types of income. And frankly, even if you and I were gonna open a restaurant, this would be good. And it, it is income now. So when I, when I start a deal, I get a little money and then once I start that deal, I get paid continuously monthly. And then once I cash that out, I get that long-term wealth cash out. And so how that comes about and those are the three paydays, but how that comes about Adrian is payday one is I sell the homes to buyers needing more time to qualify for bank loans cuz I was in that predicament. That's how this all started. So whether they need to repair credit or save more money or with the bank calls seasoning, if they have a new job that's payday one cuz they're buyers, they're just coming to the table with that payday one, their deposit because they need time. Speaker 1 00:16:57 Payday two is I'm paying something to that owner or their loan and I'm collecting something more from my buyer because they're in that home while they're qualifying under a rent to own. And then third is, again, when I cash out, but remember I talked to Lee about principal only when I cash out of a deal, all of that principle only accumulates to my side. So I have all that at the end when I cash this deal out. And these can go three years, five years, 10 years, 15 years. You can, you can engineer these deals as you go any way you want. Speaker 0 00:17:30 Very, very creative man. Very creative. Um, going through the dramatic downturns in the market, you decided to enhance your focus on making your business recession resistant. Explain the importance of becoming recession resistant in your business and investing life. Speaker 1 00:17:55 I think the best way to answer that is first say what the opposite is and the opposite is, you know, not protected <laugh> from upturn from up and down cycles. And, and then I'll go back to it and that is, you experienced what I didn't, oh eight, which was awful. What if you, you know, you expose yourself to bank loans and personal signatures and things like that. Um, and the market turns, you don't have any leverage. You're at the Maris of whoever you pledge that to, literally. And there's nothing wrong with bankers, I have nothing against them, but they're gotta do their job. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they gotta go to where their signature follows them. Yeah. Uh, leave them. So the opposite, uh, to get yourself recession, I'll never say proof and that's why I say resisting. Cause you can't be proof. I don't know people say that, but I think it's impossible. Speaker 1 00:18:36 But you can hedge your, your bet. And that is, um, whenever you structure these deals, we're talking about creative real estate is long. The longer term you can go, like I bought my office building owner financing for a 20 year term. I don't care what happens to the market in this cycle or the next cycle, frankly, because in 20 years, a I I'm certain the value will be higher and b, I have all that principle paydown that that kind of gives me that hedge. So the short answer is longer terms. But, but the other piece about when I said the banks come to the personal signatures, look, if if tomorrow I had a loan due to a seller, not a bank, a seller, I'm not on it personally, they don't want their house back. And so my worst case is I go to them and I renegotiate. And this happens during covid, we renegotiated three out of like 72 properties. It wasn't bad, but the seller was glad to do that, especially during covid. They didn't want it back. So put you in a spot when you're doing it on a financing or creative financing, any one of the ways we do it, you are, you are in the, in the driver's seat, you have leverage because you're not on it personally. And so it's just a different ballgame than than the opposite of what we started with with the banks. Speaker 0 00:19:47 <laugh> genius man. Yeah. I'd be interested in, um, diving into it maybe on another time, but diving into it how you guys, obviously you've made a quite a, an impact in the industry and in private sellers and whatnot and how you source those deals is probably something you're gonna keep close to your chest and share that with your clients. But Speaker 1 00:20:13 I can share it if you Speaker 0 00:20:14 Want. Yeah, sure. Go ahead. Speaker 1 00:20:16 So all the students, and we to this day start with a basic kind of source for the deals. And yet, and everyone's familiar with 'em, they're expired listings that don't sell with realtors. They're for rent by owner lists. So you have landlords in there that are just tired, frankly, and it cycles through, you know, as they age or whatever in covid. And then we have, um, sale by owners and then if people want more leads, like we always want more in variety, then we'll go get lists, niche lists like free and clear owners out-of-state address. So they own a property in your area, but they live somewhere else and they're debt free. That's a great list. Um, that, so that's four, four sources right there that would keep anybody busy. Speaker 0 00:21:00 Yeah. And, and pretty basic really there's no real secret sauce to it is just basic, you know, pounding the pavement so to speak, um, to, to source those deals. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:12 But secret sauce, if it was one would be skillset, right? Just like how do you talk to, how do you talk to sellers, you know, and we have all that we have live and written so people get, get comfortable with the scripts like anything else, right? That's what actors do. They, they learn the script and once they do, it's done. Speaker 0 00:21:27 They're good to go. Speaker 1 00:21:29 Yep. Speaker 0 00:21:30 Um, you touched upon it and you peaked my interest there. So what do you think of the, obviously in your deals, in your long-term investing, uh, or your long-term financing this market and obviously the, uh, all the rate hikes don't really affect you. What do you think of the market right now? Speaker 1 00:21:51 I love this. It's such like everyone's topic now, right? Um, you are correct that it doesn't affect us. In fact, it's the opposite. It drives business to us because picture I'll, I'll say a few stats here. You have hundreds of thousands of buyers all across North America that seven months ago perhaps thought they could buy a house for their family. Then they might have been excited cause the rates below now they can't. That's a bummer for them and they probably lost hope. Yet in creative financing, we have a solution for not all, but some of them. Um, if that's happening and we're in the United States, the 50 year average interest rate is 7.7, we're not even there yet. And it's already a problem. And the reason I know it's a problem is for the third time in 50 years, that's it. Just the third time we have an affordability, I won't say crisis, but challenge. Speaker 1 00:22:40 And, and if it's already a challenge and these sellers, the demand is going way down for them. If that's the case, what's gonna happen if it creeps up further? I don't know if it's going to you and I don't know that, but if it does creep up further, we have a bigger problem. And these people need creative financing more than ever. I, I'll say that in my 31 years, I don't, I think hard to the cycles and I don't know if it's ever been such a good time as now for creative financing and it's becoming, uh, it's been around since 16 hundreds, but it's becoming more and more mainstream now. That's a big difference. Speaker 0 00:23:12 Right? Yeah, I agree with you on that. Um, you've been able to change lives and share priceless information with countless of people, that's for sure. Would you be able to provide some advice to people out there that are balancing a full-time job along with learning and wanting to learn the whole real estate game and get in the game and start, start kind of segueing into that? What would your advice be to them given all your, your experience? Speaker 1 00:23:44 Yeah. Um, this is good because our big thing that you mentioned earlier is we, we want to help people escape their job, right? That's, it's been a big thing since covid. Hundreds of thousands of people are doing it. And I applaud that and I'm not so naive to say that creative real estate's for everyone. I think it is, I'm biased, but I reality is there's different options, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So here's some general advice. So I don't give bias advice for us mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the general advice is this, and I think this works in any business, but, but certainly I'll address real estate and that is number one, find a niche. There's plenty of lucrative niches in real estate. Find a niche if it's not creative that you say, you know what? I can get behind this. Like, we tend to attract people that wanna help people because we do pay a good price and we just want a win-win. Speaker 1 00:24:27 If that's few, great. If it's not, find one that, that you can get behind you're passionate about. If it's wholesaling or flipping or building, I don't care. Just pick one second. It gets a little more difficult I think in reality as I go through these three steps. Second is find someone in that niche that in my opinion has a few qualities, someone or a group. And that would be in no particular order. One, um, someone that has weathered at least a couple cycles because look, we're going through something right now and if you with someone that's brand new, they don't know how to tell you how to navigate it plain and simple. So find some that's kind of weathered a few economic cycles and hopefully even some personal challenges. And then when you find that person, this is more kind of personal, but I think I feel strongly about it and that is make sure that person aligns with you value-wise. Speaker 1 00:25:11 So for me, family's important. If I meet someone, I met plenty of successful people that trash their family over it or lost a spouse over it, or I know someone that lost their kids over it. If, if that, if that's important to you, well that's not something you wanna follow. So it's gotta align with you real estate and personal in my opinion. And third, put the blinders on for three to seven years and go after it and don't get shiny objects syndrome and try to go chase the next thing. Cuz you will have success if you do those three steps in any niche, you really will. The challenge is sting on the game for the three to seven years. That's the challenge. I see people just jumping off too early. Speaker 0 00:25:50 Yeah, yeah, I agree. Um, alright, um, we got three questions left. And we call this our, uh, let's call it, for lack of a better word, our lightning round where they're what's quick pro, pro questions. Um, Chris, what is your why? Why do you do what you do every day? Speaker 1 00:26:15 Yeah, this is great. I, it changes with age. I think, at least with me, it has it, you know, in cycles of 2, 3, 4 years right now for my wife Kim, and I've married 36 years, it's about creating experiences. And I mean that from a team company standpoint, I mean it from a a student standpoint, I mean it from a personal standpoint. So for us, for example, where we just nailed a 30 year goal of ours to build a home up in the mountains, uh, in Vermont. And that's not just to have a a material thing, it's to bring the grandkids and the kids and the family up there to create experiences that you never forget. Right? Right. Um, so it's to make enough money, not for money's sake, but to create enough experiences that never go away. Speaker 0 00:26:56 I love that. And, and uh, reality is sometimes or half of the time or however, whatever percentage you want to put on it, money does create experiences. Speaker 1 00:27:09 It can if it's done right. Absolutely. I agree with you. Speaker 0 00:27:12 Right? Like, you can't have that place in the mountain or where you want to buy that place, take the grandkids to this and this and that if you don't have the money, right? So they kind of sometimes go hand in hand and, and I can't agree with you more on that for sure. So you're very successful now, obviously, and we say that relative to how the world views success. Do you think there is still more to life for Chris? And when you look at more to life, what do you see? Speaker 1 00:27:45 Again, this is stages, but for me it's passing the baton, uh, to different team members. Right now, my son-in-law, as of you and I talking three days old, this news is, that's it, it's brand new. It's not even announced yet. He's taking over as c e o of the company. Oh wow. So the, the next thing is that I, I literally woke up this morning thinking, okay, I'm really just, I'm a coach now for even my own team. I'm no longer the one in the trenches, even though it's hard for me to let go. I'm no longer the one in the trenches doing all that. And so what's next is to develop leaders and people and grandkids and kids to go ahead and take that to the next level. And I think that's just the coolest thing to watch. And until you coach someone or develop someone, it's hard to fathom that. But trust me, if you can get in that position, it's a wonderful place to be. Speaker 0 00:28:34 Amazing. So if you could give one parting piece of advice to people out there listening to this episode from Chris, what would that be? Speaker 1 00:28:47 Um, don't give up on yourself. I, I look back and every every single person I meet could do what you and I are talking about right now. They just don't give up on themselves. It's mental. Speaker 0 00:28:59 Yes. Mental is so big in this game too, eh, because I, I mean, in 11 years I've gone up, I've gone down, yeah. Hit some challenges, hit some roadblocks on different deals, on different things we're working on. And yeah, mindset is huge and um, that, that concept of never giving up the concept of failing forward and pick yourself up and let's go again and on and on and on. Yeah. It's huge mindset. Bigger Speaker 1 00:29:27 Than we think, right? It's always bigger than we think. Speaker 0 00:29:29 Absolutely. Absolutely. Well Chris, for everybody listening, how do they get in touch with you and your team if they want to get into business together? Speaker 1 00:29:39 Um, I'll give two, two resources. One is we created a a link for a free, uh, package from us to your tribe. And they can just to get that for free. I mean free. They won't be shipping anything, just go to Wicked SmartBooks with an s Wicked, a d r i a n and you'll get that package out. Um, takes a few weeks but you'll get it out. And so that's gonna be more automation, right? I won't see that. What I will see is if you wanna, um, chat with me, if you wanna get a free call, um, it, look, it's the new year. Whenever this is gonna be viewed by you or, or listened by you, go to smart real estate master's class. It's a totally free class. And at the end of that, you'll have a chance to have a strategy call with me. You'll have a chance to get more free resources. I'm big on free Adrian cause I want someone to come into the niche based on that formula I said earlier because they want to and they say, I get it. I see the big picture after some due diligence. So that'll give them two ways to do that. Speaker 0 00:30:40 Amazing. So guys, there you have it. Um, reach out to Chris for some free stuff and get started. I mean, what do you got to lose? It's free to get started and then get that one-on-one call after that and take off and you're off to the races everybody's got. I think you hit the nail on the head there as well, Chris. Everybody's got goals in 2023. I mean we do, you do. Everybody does. So if you guys are thinking about getting in the game or thinking about, you know, some creative financing and and increasing your portfolio and whatnot, reach out to Chris guys. So on that note, I think this may be our last episode before the holidays or before Christmas. So Chris, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Speaker 1 00:31:22 You as well. I do Speaker 0 00:31:23 Blessed over the holiday season and for everybody listening out there, Merry Christmas to you and your families as well. Hope you enjoyed the episode. I sure did. And we'll chat soon.

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Episode 3

August 02, 2021 00:45:20
Episode Cover

Balancing Work, Life, and Real Estate Investing with David Knight | S01E03

Today, my guest is someone whose story sounds a lot like my own. He is a full-time police officer who is working hard to...


Episode 23

May 03, 2022 00:43:06
Episode Cover

Self-Storage Investing: The Right Way with Scott Krone

Scott Krone, Scott is a Chicago native whose career in architecture began in 1991 by pursuing his Masters of Architecture from the Illinois Institute...



February 22, 2023 00:40:32
Episode Cover

How Real Estate Changes Lives, Rent-To-Own & How To Network with Rachel Oliver

Rachel is an international best-selling author, a successful real estate investor, ambitious entrepreneur and a dynamic speaker. Rachel is the co-founder and managing partner...
