Investing in Stocks and Real Estate Together with Cody Yeh

Episode 26 May 25, 2022 00:36:57
Investing in Stocks and Real Estate Together with Cody Yeh
More To Life: Real Estate Investing Podcast
Investing in Stocks and Real Estate Together with Cody Yeh

May 25 2022 | 00:36:57


Show Notes

Our guest today is Cody Yeh, Cody is a YouTuber specialising in personal finance, stock options, and real estate investing, who helps everyday people gain back financial control and reach financial freedom in less than one year's time! With nearly 14k subscribers, and 330k+ total views!

 Cody started out as a first-generation immigrant from Taiwan, arriving in Canada at 18 on a student visa. He has now built a business that generates five-figure monthly returns through his investments and ‘Stock Investing for Beginners’ community (4.2k members).

Listen today to learn more about these talking points.

- Cash Flow vs Generating Wealth

- Time Management in the investing world

- Deciding the right place to invest, where has Cody invested?

- Transitioning from Corporate to REI

and many more!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey everyone. It's Adrian. Penoza here with the more to life real estate investing podcast, helping you get more to life. So you can start living your dreams through the power of real estate. Investing our guest today is one of, uh, a, a friend of mine that I've had the pleasure of getting to know a little bit over, uh, the last little while, but he's Cody. Yay. Uh, Cody is a YouTuber specializing in personal finance stock options and real estate investing who helps every day. People gain back financial control and reach freedom in less than one year time. Incredible with nearly 14,000 subscribers and 330 K total views. Cody has to date probably a little bit more now since we pulled those stats. But Cody started out as a first generation immigrant from Taiwan arriving in Canada at the age of 18 on a student visa. He has now built a business that generates five figure monthly returns through his investments and stock investing for beginner's community. We're here and we're ha to have Cody on our podcast, Cody, welcome to the more delight for real estate investing podcast. Speaker 1 00:01:28 Yeah, thanks for having me, Adrian. Um, thanks for reading out the entire bio. I'm definitely not used to that, but there's nothing wrong with that. And, um, I'm great to be here. Speaker 0 00:01:38 Awesome. Cody. I know that's not a backdrop. You're really in some kind of paradise right now. Uh, where are you? Speaker 1 00:01:48 Yeah, so I'm actually in Belize. We just flew in yesterday. There's another, uh, real estate mastermind, um, for people who are listening, I'm actually switching my cameras around so people can actually see it. It's not a backdrop. Um, so we're here for real estate mastermind. Um, and you know, they're, they're, they're a great group of Canadians down here making a difference, buying up lens and developing for them. Lease is, um, um, I will say between undeveloped to developing country, but there's a lot of opportunity here as well in terms of like tourism, their number one is tourism. Second one is fishing, but tourism has been blowing out of water just because they have the second biggest core reef system to second to the Australian one. So a lot of people come here for tourism and I'm just down here, you know, I've been on another island called carousel last November, and I just wanna see different side of things. And how does a numbers work? Does it make sense? So, and what's a better way to learn than learning from people is already doing it. Speaker 0 00:02:49 How long you guys for, Speaker 1 00:02:51 Oh, we're gonna be here for seven days. Uh, we're gonna have, uh, three days intense mastermind, um, someone that's gonna be on, on a boat. Um, yeah, but yeah, the rest is, you know, a lot of the details will be in the exploration, outside the mastermind as well. That's where you actually see the local lifestyle and, you know, the tours where they're coming from and all that good stuff. Right. I love those stuff. Mm-hmm <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:03:13 Awesome. Awesome. All right. Well, let's get into it, Cody. I have some, some pretty general questions just to give the, a taste of what you bring to the table and obviously your success. Um, tell us more, I guess, introduction and tell us more about your journey and how you started, where you came from and to where bring us from the start, right to where we are. Speaker 1 00:03:40 <laugh>. Yeah, I mean, I think, um, I could definitely do that. Uh, I'll say before the age of 18, uh, nothing to be worth, uh, worthy to mention about, because I came to Canada at the age of 18. And before that, no, I was a typical Asian guy. I can say this cuz I'm an Asian guy, typical Asian guy, good at math, give, go school good with sports. So I have a good life, but I wasn't very responsible for a lot of things. Right. So once I came to Canada with a student visa, that's when everything got real for me, um, I have to make a lot of decisions, uh, picking which majors to go into. So at that time I pick a major that I thought I was gonna be good at cuz I don't wanna write reports. So I pick engineering. I thought I was good at math as well. Speaker 1 00:04:26 It turns out pretty well. Um, but then during the school time I realized, Hey, I could be a decent engineer, but if I look at who actually reached financial freedom or who has a lot of wealth has the lifestyle I want, they're actually not all an engineer. And most of them are in business and finance. So that's where I peak my interest. That's where I have the business minor of, you know, accounting, corporate finance and all those stuff. And that's when I start investing in stocks, just boring stocks from them. Right. And after graduation I worked for a Honda, the card company, the car manufacturer for six years as a project manager, the span of six years, a manager over a hundred millions dollar projects altogether, right. From cradle to crave that I see and supervise it. So that's where I got all those background of dealing with contractors, tendering and all that, you know, like know how they play the game. Speaker 1 00:05:17 Right. So that helps a lot for real estate investing. Right. And in the meantime I was doing a, I met my day trading coach at that time. Uh, when I was 26, she was 24, but she was managing uh, fi 50 million already at age 24. Um, wow. A friend, a friend. She has no social media, no YouTube, very, very low key people, uh, person. And I learned from her, I was doing that for two years as a second job on top of my, um, um, you know, my, my full-time job, I was pulling a lot of overtime. Uh, so I spent five to six hour per night trading in the Asia market because of the time difference. Right. So that's where I gain all the fundamentals of what day trading is, what trading is like. Is that something that I like? So after that, you know, in the meantime was comparing with, you know, this option strategy that I'm teaching now and to see which one can generate more return or reasonable return with a lot less stress. Speaker 1 00:06:17 Right? So this, this is why I switch over to my current option strategy. And you know, that's when I, in the meantime I started real estate investing. I accumulate, you know, a lot of my wealth through that. And I put a lot of the refi money with the appreciation money into my trading account that splits out, you know, all the cash flow and, and, and yeah, that's really what I got got me here. And now I have hundreds of students and most of them real estate investors want, uh, another stream of income just went on top of that. And they spend, you know, less than 30 minutes per week, really in my mastermind. So they love it. And you know, there's ups and downs like, like people see in the stock market. Uh, but it's something that could be a lot more hands off, you know, compared to real estate. I love real estate. Don't get me wrong. We still have projects going on, but it's just totally different where we wanna diversify our stream of income. Speaker 0 00:07:08 Right. And you know, I'd be completely straight up with you. It's something I've personally Peter toed, um, in getting involved in with the trading options and whatnot. But I'm one of those guys that literally knows zero about the stock market. I know a lot about real estate and you know, how to conduct great analysis on properties and, and bur and infinite return on, on, on creating infinite return on bur projects, but soft trading and option training and whatnot, or, or training in itself. I, I got zero experience. So if I, how, like you said, you mentioned there a second ago, you have over 200 students, so yeah. Hundreds Speaker 1 00:07:55 Of students. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:57 That look as far as, how does that look as far as your training goes like, um, and, and I don't want to get too deep into it cuz obviously you can do that when people reach out to you and, and, and ask you some more details about it, but how let's say a guy like me that knows new stock trading and how long do you think it would take me to get speed to kind of know a little bit what I'm doing? Speaker 1 00:08:23 Yeah. That's a very valid question. And uh, most people come into the mastermind, the same level as you, right? Some of them might have some, some experience of, uh, you know, having a financial advisor trade for them, or maybe they put in some money at ETF or index funds where they buy some individual stocks and most people come with zero experience. Right. So that's a very valid question. And usually I would say it takes about depending on their background, it takes about, you know, two weeks, Speaker 1 00:08:56 Two, three months, that's the longest I've seen I've as our musicians. And that's how I know I, I can teach everyone. Right. And I've worked over the years to perfect this system. I run live course 10 times and reiterate it to the point where I work all the Kings for all the questions been asked, has been asked before everything is recorded. So my coaches will point to, Hey, if this question goes to this webinar, this timestamp, all my webinars are timestamp, right? So they don't have to waste time to go directly to it. A lot of times share my screens and do that. So I know that's a lot of people's fears like, oh, we have no experience coming. This is scary. Right. And I'll say it's very similar to, to, uh, you know, kind of buying off market deals and then, you know, and, and rent to own it out afterwards. So this is how I explain it to, to the real estate investors, like buying off market deals, rent to own afterwards, rent to own out afterwards and a year. Right. Create casual on both side of things. Speaker 0 00:09:54 You, you broke up there, I guess maybe the, the wifi isn't the greatest there, but you mentioned, you said somewhere between anywhere between two to three weeks to two months before, depending on their level of comfort is typically the time span where you think your training will get them to a level that correct. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:16 That's typically the time span. Yep. Speaker 0 00:10:19 Okay, cool. So you're now the owner of Mr. R E I real estate investing and investment firm where the <inaudible> area simp county. How has Mr. REI grown since starting it in 2019? And where is it today? Speaker 1 00:10:40 Yeah, so that's a great question. So, um, <laugh> Mr. REI is actually my license plate. My, I have two cars. One of is se ye the other one is Mr. R EI. So I write that license plate again. I that's actually, um, my, my active Corp to do a lot of like different off market deals, a bit of whole selling flipping, and then, you know, some other, you know, holding of real estate. So, you know, I started with like single family in Toronto, 2016, another single family, 2017 legal duplexes in 2019. And now we're building, you know, we buy big lots and we put, I think I'll probably want the first one to put in. Bless you. Speaker 0 00:11:24 Thank Speaker 1 00:11:24 You. I'll be one of the first ones to put in, um, a ADU in the back of a legal duplex in the east side of Toronto. I, I believe I'll be the first one. Don't call me on it. We're working out that work out the kinks. Um, and you know, that has grown from that. And, and, you know, let's just some teaser that for people can't announce too much of the details, but this year we're gonna launch a real estate fund. Um, and, uh, we are gonna focus on yeah, like bigger multifamilies cuz you know, I'll be partner with four other partners and they have raised 50 to a hundred million over the past two years, just, you know, just building up their development and multifamily. And we like to help more people who, you know, or for people wanna do it themselves, they can do it themselves. But if people who are really busy who needs help, kinda like, you know, who you're helping, if they need more of that and they like our, our, our strategy and all that, then, you know, we will like to help them out as well. Speaker 0 00:12:23 Nice, nice. So definitely correct me if I'm wrong. You said raising in the last couple of years. 50 to a hundred million. Speaker 1 00:12:33 Yeah. Okay. Not me personally, but I always find the team that each bring different value to the table. So I know what I bring to the table and other partners have raised a lot of money, do a lot of development deals and specialize in multifamily. So we pick one charge that we've done the best kinda like your Hamilton fourplex, that's your bread and butter. We have our own bread and butter that we identify as like the lowest risk we know we can deliver for our first fund. So we wanna deliver that to the track record and go from there and we can get, we can pivot from there, but that's the first one wanna show a really good truck record in terms of the funds. Right, Speaker 0 00:13:12 Exactly. Yeah. So, and you're gonna focus the fund on apartment buildings. Is that safe to say or Speaker 1 00:13:22 Yeah, yeah. We'll be buying cuz because you know, we look a couple things, right. Um, yeah. So the real estate really come back to, you know, a couple of a few things, right. The deal flow, um, and is serving the right risk and reward, uh, uh, uh, clients or partners. Right. Um, and then, you know, free, free other things, but we have certain deal flows that comes in consistently, you know, for multi families in the east side of Canada, right. East, east like Eastern conference, uh, sorry, Eastern province and down in the states and the numbers are working out pretty well. You know, a lot of people are getting afraid that, Hey, Hey Cody, like we're pushing it in around GTA area. The number might not make sense. It's very thin because of the interest rate and all those compression. So, you know, we're, we're seeing better numbers and we have the deal flow. So that's what we're gonna focus on and to, to get the alpha for people. Speaker 0 00:14:22 Gotcha. Nice. Nice. Um, alright. So for everybody, um, Cody, how old are you now? Speaker 1 00:14:34 31 turning 32. Speaker 0 00:14:39 So you got your hands in a bunch of things at 31 years old. What started out as coming over to Canada at the age of 18, making a lot of major decisions, uh, not only in the stocks rating options, but in real estate, it's such a young age you've done incredibly well. Um, so to cover multiple different income streams is obviously everybody knows out there, the more income streams you have coming in. Um, obviously it's, it's the better so to speak. Um, but to cover off multiple different income streams, including REI and stock options, uh, must be a massive balancing issue. Obviously when you got started and you know, stranger to working hard, how much time do you dedicate in your day to day education and investing? How much time do you do, do you personally dedicate to that business in your day to day or even for your personal life for yourself? I'm sure you as well, how much time do you spend a, Speaker 1 00:15:48 Yeah, that's a very great question. So, you know, as you start building different business, you know, we go through the phase, my, my first two years, it's kinda like a one man army, you do everything right. Which I kinda like that approach, but you get stuck at certain level. And, and now we start building team. My, my stock option team has eight people. Now we have like operational manager, we have coaches, we have, you know, uh, sales people, we have admin and, and all that. And we have like, you know, marketing people. Um, but I would say the most of my time, because the, the, the strategy is evolving like for the last six months, you know, a lot of people hear that the stock market, you know, like crash kind of thing, right. It went down and there's the strategy that we've been working on for the last six months. Speaker 1 00:16:40 And we have a lot of success again, when the market is down, we still hit a good, you know, one to 4% per month without picking stocks. And we don't have to go into details on it, but we're basically using it on S and P 500, which is the biggest index. And, you know, theoretically it will never go to zero because, um, out of the 500 companies in S and P 500, if they don't do well, they will get ops. They, they will get, you know, the companies will drop out and the new ones will go in. So theoretically, if you're bullish on the us market as overall economy, it will go up. And, and for the last 90 years, it goes up eight to 10%. So that is side, like the strategies continue to evolve, and we're trying to create more return, reduce a lot of the risk. Speaker 1 00:17:26 And a lot of people don't like the volatility, so that risk, so that strategy is evolving. And now I have, you know, coaching team research team that allow me to stay more high level. And, you know, I pointed direction. They do 80% that work by come in the last 20% and see if it makes sense. Right. It sounds very easy, but there's actually not like <laugh> Adrian. You probably build a team as well. So <laugh> right. It sounds really great glorified, but there's actually a lot of, you know, back and forth, a lot of, you know, improving, going to circles a lot of times, but we we're moving forward going circles. So I will say, say most of my time is spending there. It's not about me anymore. It's about more about the team. Are we growing together and moving forward and as growing team, it sucks all the cash flow. Speaker 1 00:18:15 Right. Everything seems great. But when you scale up, every, all the cost goes up and stress goes up, right? Yes. Um, but as a leader, you, you have to make the long term, right. Decision. If it's a wrong decision, you have to make a change. Right. So I'll say that's where I spend. Most of my time is, you know, I come up to all these mastermind, learn from people has done it and really learn all the mistakes they, they have done and try to avoid it. And if anything, I can learn, I try to rip it off and see how I can duplicate or modify a bit in my own system. So I can save some time. And that's the secret how I can grow so fast at a relatively young age. I, I don't call myself young anymore after age 30. Um, but I still relatively young to achieve a lot of things. Speaker 1 00:19:01 So that's really my secret. It just, I pay it. I pay like six figure for, for my own business coaching. And I still take other option courses just to, if I can learn a thing or two, I can bring it back to my team and my mastermind. It's all worth it in my opinion. And if I, I never stop growing, right. I always have the mentality of continue to grow and stay humble. I I'm never, I'm never always right. But always try to be, you know, try to make sure I learn from all my mistakes and other people's mistakes as well. That would be my takeaway. Speaker 0 00:19:37 I kind have said it better myself actually, always learning, invest back in, invest back in your business. Uh, I couldn't agree more cuz continuing to grow, obviously you need to spend more money, uh, typically, and you're growing sometimes, like you said, or all the time potentially brings more stress, but if you have the right team and models and systems in place, you offset, um, some of that stress or, or growing pains, but yes, reinvesting back in your business. I do it every day essentially. And, and obviously you're doing it too to bring extra value to your company, to your, to your students and on and on and on. So Kus to you with that. Um, nobody can be an overnight success in the real estate game and or maybe your game with stock training as well. If you had to re if you had to restart your investing career today, where would you do it and would you do anything different? Speaker 1 00:20:44 Okay. So the question is if I have to restart my investing journey today, where do I do it and what do I do differently? Um, yes. So if I do I have money, do I have the BR knowledge I have right now? Speaker 0 00:21:01 Yeah. You've, you've obviously jumped through everything you've done today. So let's just say the knowledge you have today, go back to the beginning. Would you do the same or what would you do differently if you were to restart today with the knowledge that you've accumulated since you've arrived in Canada and your real estate investing? Speaker 1 00:21:23 Wow. Wow. That's such a broad question, but um, our partnership, some partners could be faster. It could be slower and I just take it all as my own ownership. If they're not pulling it, it's my fault as well. Whether it's, I don't communicate it correctly, I don't set the right expectation. Accountability is my, my responsibility. So when I start changing that attitude, I think everything change. Of course the stress goes up a lot, but I start blaming anyone at the end of the day is my fault. I picked the wrong partner or I, you know, I, I didn't do my due diligence or maybe they're just too busy or, or something, or they're not interested anymore. And sometimes, you know, once you change. So once I change my attitude towards everything's my responsibility, nothing's my fault. It's not my fault. I don't know before, but going forward, I want more control of things. Speaker 1 00:22:17 And, and from all the experience I have, you know, so if I gonna start all over again, um, I'll probably take on more of the control and less of like leaning on, you know, like I've set, you know, like leaning on other people to fulfill all of their job is my role to kind of know and, and plan the seats and set their goals for them and know their abilities, whether they're gonna hit that or not. Right. And you know, in terms of investing, I'll say, if I gonna start investing again, I'll probably, um, go elsewhere outside of GTA. Uh, if I have to start now, just because, you know, if the numbers I'll say of GTA, a lot of people are very afraid of going outside of your backyard, but you know, there are opportunities elsewhere that has a better number. Um, and arguably the risk could be lower just because, um, the numbers get better and you know, the rent could be very similar, but you know, just your purchasing prices a lot lower, of course you have to do your due diligence. Speaker 1 00:23:14 So I will probably do that. And, but everything else, I probably wouldn't do it differently because I, I, I don't know what I don't know back then. And it's, it's a journey. It's a journey. A lot of people like Cody, you hit it at 31, you hit it at 29, whatever. But to me it's like 29 or 31 when I look back to 10 years, there's really no difference. It just, we're trying, there's an ego play in here that we're trying to hit it really quick. Right. But I'll rather, um, have a strong foundation and then I don't want to go backwards so much anymore. Right. I wanna build a strong foundation. I don't wanna build it up and then collapse the entire empire. So I really enjoy that journey a lot more. I take it a lot slower to build a team, to make sure I don't grow so FA fast and, and flow and run into cash flow problem and all of that. Speaker 1 00:24:02 So if I have to start over, I would say the foundations, you know, like it's very, very, very, uh, important because the real estate has been going up a lot and mask a lot of people's mistakes mask, a lot of team's mistake. So, um, so I, you know, I've heard and see things that even with a upward market, like some companies I gone under and is because, you know, every, you know, in the market go is going up, everyone thinks they're kind of genius, right? Same thing, stock market. When I have a downturn that are really testing people and, you know, the real estate market kind of slows down as a bit, I so long term bullish, but this is when kind of test everyone's system, everyone's company everyone's strategy. And this is when it, you know, really will flush out and people are, don't have a sustain sustainable strategy and system. Speaker 0 00:24:55 I couldn't agree more, man. I couldn't agree more. And when the going gets tough and the market's changing, we'll see who survives. And that's when you know, you've done things right. As opposed to yeah. When it's easy street, anybody can look like a genius. Right. But when, uh, the, the, the clouds come over and you know, now all of a sudden we may be in a little bit of a tight spot, you'll see who did things right or wrong. I, I couldn't agree more. Mm-hmm <affirmative> Speaker 1 00:25:23 Yeah. I always wanted to be the last one standing <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:25:27 Oh, absolutely. Speaker 1 00:25:29 Yeah. So if I, you know, what's my takeaway after I start my real estate journey in 2017, right. That's kind of like the question. Speaker 1 00:25:37 Yes. Um, so like when I compare real estate real estate by far make the most amount of millionaire, right. It all started from my grandparents level, from my parents' level, from my level as well. It makes the most, uh, millionaires because real estate is leverage. If you know how to use it. Well, the return could be three to five times of what the money you put in. And if you do it well, like Adrian, what you're doing could be infinite return once you refinance all the money. Right. So, you know, it definitely is a game changer. Real estate is a game changer and you know, there's different strategy in real estate could be more passive. Some could be more active. The more active you are, you can have a faster grow as well. And when I first started, I was, I literally just buy a bungalow. Right. Of course, we bought it for Speaker 1 00:26:33 $526,000 in Toronto. And today, you know, some developers knocking on our door wanna buy for 2 million now, was that wow. Lucky? Or was that part of part of effort? I mean, I will say we only make the decision at times because we bought around the new, uh, L R T system along the eggington, uh, eggington street in Toronto. Right. So, I mean, we, we took that whole model front Asia that we have seen is like, they took them 10 years to build a subway line and 10 years ago, all those houses when they're building it during construction, a lot of people don't wanna buy cause it's so noisy. So dirty people don't see the vision. And we bought there and after 10 years after like, like quad ripple, right. So we took that same mentality to Toronto and NA was our first house we bought and it worked out pretty well, but like, I mean, is there some luck factor in it? Speaker 1 00:27:32 Definitely. Right. The interest rate held the population growth held, but we put all the odds in our favor to achieve that. And I still think today to date, like until now real estate is still one of the best ways to build wealth. Right. And stock option for me is a cash flow play that, that, you know, that fun, all my lifestyle, all fun, fun, all my continued learning, all my, all my business, uh, expense and, and all the learning for my personal self as well. So that's how I play in real estate. Just kind of keep growing and growing and growing it. And I, I don't have stress doing that because I know I'm doing it right. And I just let you know, the mortgage pay down, let the cash flow and, and let the appreciation do its work in the long term. Speaker 0 00:28:23 Awesome. Yes. And obviously, you know, I'm a huge advocate of real estate investing and being completely in agreement with everything you just said. So awesome. Um, getting to our lightning round here, um, Cody, what is your, why, why do you do what you do? Speaker 1 00:28:46 Yeah, great question. Um, and I actually spent, you know, believe it, or no, I actually spent hundreds of dollars sitting down with, uh, uh, a different business coach to, to explore that why cuz a lot of people are not very clear on it. Even during my, my course when I was a younger age, I always thought exploring the why is so cliche, it doesn't really work. But now that game more experience, the why is very important. So the why for me, for my personal self is I want to continue to grow. And I have, I have some talent in managing a team and coaching and, and learning new things and turn into very simple terms. I'm not putting it to waste. So while I'm making money, if I can bring more people along and change their life or their family's life while I'm making money and they make money to me, it's, it's my best way of giving back to the community. Speaker 1 00:29:45 And you know, for, for, for of a deeper, deeper inside of me is because, um, you know, my, my family, you know, seems great. You know, we, we came over to Canada, you know, went through the school, but there's times when, you know, our, our family was struggling financially, even though, you know, my dad is a doctor as a physician, seems like, you know, from the outside, everything is fine, but you know, you know, uh, they, they have made, uh, a series of investment mistakes and things they don't know and lost a lot of money. So, you know, even till today I was struggling with that. So that, that's really my why of, you know, whether you're low income, high income, whether you're retired or not retired, but really just learn the money game. Right. And I wanna preach more of that. Learn the money game. Speaker 1 00:30:33 Once you figure out the money game, right? Whether it's stock option, whether there's real estate, whether it's building business, whatever, once you figure out the money gain your life is a lot more enjoyable. Right. And that's right. That's why I talk about personal finance stock option real estate. It's really no one way. There's easier ways. There's harder ways, right? Everyone's doing things differently and the world's changing so fast, but figure out the money game. That's the game changer for me. And once you can figure out the money game, you have more time and you have more money to give back in your own way. If you decide to do that. Right. And this is my way of giving back everything that share across a YouTube that we we're launching a podcast called high income earners, fire it's coming out in Tuesday. You know, I think nice may, may, when was that? Speaker 1 00:31:21 May 24th. It would've been planning that for five months and that's gearing towards high income earners that, you know, people like my, my, my dad, who's a high income earners, but struggling with finance and not, I just have seen so many things that have go the wrong way. And I've seen more things that just from friends that, you know, high income doesn't equal to a good lifestyle with a good, good, you know, like a good living style. It, it doesn't it's, it will not happen until we figure out the money game and learn how to buy your time back and your health back and you know, everything else that associate with it. Speaker 0 00:32:00 Right. Amazing. Amazing. Speaker 1 00:32:02 Sure. That's my long why <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:32:04 Yeah, that is yeah. Yeah. That's my long why for sure. Great advice there, Cody. Great advice. So if you we're getting to the end here, Cody, last question. If you could give one parting word of advice to the people listening today, one parting word of advice, what would it be? Speaker 1 00:32:24 Yeah. Um, so a lot of people listening to this, listening to your podcast, I believe there are already either action takers or people who are on the fence of taking action. Again for a lot of people. Even if I go to conference a lot of time when I listen to something good, I write it down, but I have a column of to do what to do immediately. Whether it's for myself, I bring it back to the team, bring it back to my mastermind. I have that to do for me. That's what makes the huge difference in my life and, and building business. So, okay. You get all the good information. What are you gonna do now? What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Right. So that's, you know, like the cliche of taking action and that has been the biggest difference. That's make me grow so fast and you know, like fell fast and keep moving forward is, you know, cliche taking action. But the easiest thing could be the hardest thing for most people because they could, there's so many things in the world right now that that bombarded by. But if you, once you write down you gonna to do it, we plan out the steps that we start doing it and hold yourself accountable, or join a mastermind with accountability team to start doing it. And you will thank yourself one year, five year, 10 years from now. Speaker 0 00:33:46 Do it take action, essentially. Speaker 1 00:33:49 Mm-hmm <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:33:51 Awesome. Awesome. Well, listen, Cody, thank you so much. We are almost at 40 minutes here. Believe it or not, it's flown by some great advice. Obviously the mastermind behind stock trading options. So for our listeners who want to get into that space and want to potentially come to a mastermind or, or have you train them and coach them, how do our listeners get ahold of you Cody? Speaker 1 00:34:16 Yeah. Um, again, uh, um, they can type in Cody yay and Google. And the first three page are all occupied by this person that's talking right now. Or I have a free, um, stock option, uh, Facebook group where I run Facebook live every Sunday at 7:00 PM, Eastern time, lots of other videos and also upcoming. I'm not sure when this podcast will come out, but upcoming on June 23rd, 1:00 PM Eastern time TD the TD bank, TD TT amateur TV asked me to be a guest speaker to talk about stock option investing, how to minimize the risk in investing in stock option. Again, we focus not just on return, but more on preserving capital and then growing it right. And, uh, TD said there will be thousands of people there more than a thousand people of life. And there'll be a live Q and a session of 30 minute at the end. And I encourage you guys all to sign up. There'll be all over my social media in my Facebook group. So you can't really miss it. It's all totally free. And you guys can ask live Q and a life question. They drill it. They really draw a lot of the core strategy out for free for all of you guys, for anyone who wanna learn. Speaker 0 00:35:32 Awesome. Awesome. So Cody C O D Y and ye is felt Y E H for all the listeners out there to put that in Google. And then I'm sure like he, Cody said you can definitely, the first three pages are all about Cody. So you'll be, there'll be easily to find him track him down social media, he's all over, uh, Instagram and whatnot and Facebook, so. Awesome. Awesome. Well, Cody, thank you so much again for, for being a guest on the more to life real estate investing podcasts and great advice. Everybody, if you're contemplating on getting into the stock market and options trading, Cody's your man, uh, obviously a ton, a ton of experience there in that space with over 200 students and whatnot. Yeah. It it's a no-brainer if you're, if you're looking to get into that space on that node, Cody enjoy be while you're there. And, um, I'm definitely maybe interested in chatting with you when you get back. I mean, it looks like a great place to invest. I'm hearing it's, it's definitely affordable, um, and price points, but yeah, maybe I'll pick your brain when you get back on that. Speaker 1 00:36:41 Yeah, definitely very happy to share that and, uh, thanks for having me, Adrian. Speaker 0 00:36:46 All right. Um, one second.

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