Acquiring Endless Freedom in Your Real Estate Journey with Aditya Soma

Episode 36 August 09, 2022 00:40:43
Acquiring Endless Freedom in Your Real Estate Journey with Aditya Soma
More To Life: Real Estate Investing Podcast
Acquiring Endless Freedom in Your Real Estate Journey with Aditya Soma

Aug 09 2022 | 00:40:43


Show Notes

Aditya was born and raised in South India before coming to Canada as a student in 2012 at the age of 22.

Aditya’s passion for the Windsor real estate market pushed him to leave his corporate job as a computer programmer to begin helping investors full-time as an agent. He took over the Wincity Team in 2020. He is presently ranked #1 out of 93 agents in Windsor.

His real estate portfolio contains over 15 properties and shows no signs of slowing down.

In his first year alone, Aditya sold over $12,000,000 in properties and achieved the ICON Agent accolade from EXP Realty.

One thing that sets Aditya apart from other real estate investors is his passion to share his knowledge with his strong following of over 15k subscribers on his YouTube channel where he discusses everything from his life story including his struggles and many successes, living in Windsor and of course a multitude of real estate tips.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about these topics...


and much more!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Hey everyone. And welcome to the more to life real estate investing podcast. I'm your host. And my name is Adrian Penoza. I'm a former police detective of 21 years turned real estate entrepreneur. Each episode we bring to you an incredible guest. Who's got undeniable experience in the real estate investing world to help you get more to life through the power of real estate investing. So if you enjoy listening to our podcast and our show, please, please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review our podcast. As it helped small podcasts like ours, continue to provide our audience with some incredible value and knowledge. So now let's get right into our next episode. Speaker 0 00:00:56 Everyone it's Adrian. Penoza here with the more to life real estate investing podcast, where we help you get more to life. So you can start living your dreams through the power of real estate investing. We believe it or not are on episode number 38, and we're just over a year running this podcast. And, you know, I think we've had some amazing, amazing guests here with us over the course of this last year and super, super excited to bring to you another amazing guest ADI Soma. Thank you. So lemme tell a little bit about this gentleman and, uh, I'm sure you're gonna be pretty interested in impressed, like always. So a DIA was born and raised in south India before coming to Canada as a student in 2012 at the young age of 22, a DTS passion for the Windsor real estate market pushed him to leave his corporate job. Speaker 0 00:02:02 So all of you out there who have some kind of inclination or interest in the Windsor market, he's your man obviously, but, uh, yeah, his, his passion for real estate pushed him to leave his corporate job as a computer programmer and begin helping investors full time. As an agent, he took over the win city team in 2020, he is presently get this one ranked number one out of 93 agents in Windsor. His real estate portfolio contains over 15 properties and shows no signs of slowing down and his first year loan, a DTS sold $12 million in properties and achieve the icon status accolade from E XP Realty. One thing that sets this gentleman apart from other real estate investors is his passion to share his knowledge and his strong following. Get this one guys over 15,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, where he discusses everything from his life story, including his struggles in many successes, living in one zero. And of course a multitude. And I repeat a multitude of real estate tips after all that ladies and Jens. Let's welcome ADI to the more to life real estate investing podcast. Thanks for joining us, my friend. How are you Speaker 1 00:03:35 Doing? Fantastic. Thank you so much. Speaker 0 00:03:38 Awesome. Awesome. So you're currently in Windsor. Yes. And I'm, I'm actually, uh, up at the cottage during this episode, one of the perks of real estate investing to have that freedom to basically work anywhere you want and do anything live life by your terms, but, um, yeah, enough about me. So, um, why don't we get into it? I, you know, you have an amazing story and um, why don't you, why don't we start by you telling everybody your journey and how this all started right from, I guess, your original aspirations of, uh, coming to Canada. Speaker 1 00:04:18 Yeah, sure. Definitely. So, uh, you know, uh, real estate, uh, was not my cup of tea. Like, you know, my parents are, um, farmers in India in a small village, uh, where, you know, in the village, everyone knows each other and that's where I grew up. Um, my parents always wanted me to have a good education. Um, they worked like hours and days and years. Like I haven't seen my dad, uh, for like seven to 10 years because he was in Dubai doing labor jobs. Um, you know, in those construction jobs. I dunno if you have seen some videos out there. Yeah. Um, how hard those, you know, Dubai laborers live. Um, and my dad was one of them. So from my childhood always, uh, we were like struggling financially because of that. My family was a part, so right. You know, I was in, I was sent to boarding school because my dad, no matter what he wanted me to get education. Speaker 1 00:05:15 And my mom was with my grandparents because my dad is in Dubai. So like my whole family was like shattered, um, for years. Um, and you know, with the big dreams, um, my dad hoped that, you know, if, if I send my kid to west Western countries, he can have a better life. So that's what, uh, he thought. So. And, um, that's why, like I came to Canada for studies, even though he didn't have a penny, he borrowed money from relatives, friends, like $50,000 at that time into the 12 sent me for education. So started with like zero knowledge, zero background and, um, um, came here for studies in it. Um, after studies like I, while I'm studying and after studies, uh, it took so much time to get my professional job. So in that time I was doing a lot of, uh, hard jobs, like, you know, working in the factory in Toronto. Speaker 1 00:06:10 I was in Toronto, actually, uh, working in the factories and different things, um, just to survive, just to, you know, pay off the, um, just to pay for the living expenses. Um, and I got my job in Windsor. So destiny wanted me to come to Windsor didn't plan anything because I was desperate for a job with no job. I cannot pay off my debts. So started working in, um, Windsor for it company has a software developer. Um, work was going well for two years, two and a half years, everything was going well. Uh, I was paying off my debts. I was living in a basement for $300. Um, I didn't even own a car for like four years in Canada because I want, the only goal I had in front of me was I wanna pay off my debts because I know like my parents are struggling. Speaker 1 00:07:00 So while I was doing that, like my dad said to me after two years, um, my sister wedding is planned, uh, probably an year or two down the road. Right. And, uh, I need to save up another a hundred thousand for the wedding because Indian weddings are like expensive. Right. That's the tradition. And it's a lot of like pride, you know, family feels like they must do those things, certain things. Yeah. So for that made a lot of money. I'm like, I was like stressed out so badly because I thought, you know, I'm doing well with my job. I'm just able to get off my pay. So the financial pain started to crush me so badly. Like, so I started trying different things. Like I wanted to make more money because you know, this is not enough. And personally I have a dream of like, you know, traveling, I wanna travel like every year, two, three months to different countries. Speaker 1 00:07:55 And my back home, I wanna stay there like, you know, for long, good amount of time in every year. Um, so all those dreams and the financial pain, um, I couldn't see that job is doing me, you know, a hundred percent so started trying different things like e-commerce um, and they network marketing who driving Uber, like lot of things, nothing really stick. But, uh, I read this book rich at budded, um, someone suggest very well. Yeah. So like that lead me to real estate because he talks about, you know, why poor people always have liabilities, no assets and rich people have assets. I'm like, this is so true because you know, my dad was always living under liabilities. Like we never had any assets, he just worked paid for livings. And we were always in depth. So I'm like long story shot. That's where I started real estate investing in 2017. I got my first property. Um, the cool thing in Canada, you can buy a house for like, you know, 5% down. So you don't need that much money. Um, right. And I had my job, so job was a good leverage for me. It jobs 80,000 salary per year, um, allowed me to qualify for like three, 400,000. But I purchased only a hundred thousand property that was garbage at two bedroom, two unit property. I lived in 100 rent road. The other unit lived for free. Yeah. So that's how I started my career. Speaker 0 00:09:32 Amazing. Amazing. So when you first came to Canada, mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, was Windsor your first place city that you lived in? Speaker 1 00:09:42 No, no. I was in Sarnia. Uh, I went to school in Sarnia, uh, for Lampton college. Um, and then I moved to Toronto for work and I found the work in Windsor. Speaker 0 00:09:54 Oh, okay. So then work took you to Windsor. Yeah. Now. Awesome. Awesome. So essentially in a nutshell, your dad, you know, put you through education. Yeah. Worked his butt off to, to save, to get you money to come to Canada, essentially. And then while you were here, obviously, uh, completed education with not the money, I guess you, you got from back home and then ultimately bought your first property as a duplex. You lived in one, rented out the other. What did you, what did you pay for that? When Speaker 1 00:10:32 Hundred and 2000? Speaker 0 00:10:34 102,000. And what year would that been? Speaker 1 00:10:37 Uh, 2017. Speaker 0 00:10:38 2017. Wow. Okay. Speaker 1 00:10:42 Amazing. I give you, you know, money I needed was $5,000, Speaker 0 00:10:48 Right. Speaker 1 00:10:48 Because it's 5% down, Speaker 0 00:10:50 Right? Yep. Yep. So 5% down, you needed five grand boom. You're in the market. Yeah. So what started out as a dream in, in India to come to Canada, you end up fulfilling that dream. How long were you in Canada before you bought that first Speaker 1 00:11:09 Property? I was five years in, like I came in 2012, uh, as a student. So I bought my first property in 2017, March. So five years approximately, um, and five years fast forward now, you know, from 2017 now I quit my job in 2019. Um, when I still had a hundred thousand depth, because by this time you, if you remember, I was telling my sister wedding was planned. Yeah. That was in 2018. So, um, I paid, I borrowed money and, you know, did, at this time still, I didn't have money because I was, you know, leveraging maximum. And I was just leaving, buying rental properties. Like at this time I had had like two rental properties, but they were still like, you know, not doing that well where I can have a hundred thousand cash. Right. So I had to borrow money for paying for my sister wedding. So that's when I quit my job and got into sales and doing like both together full time now. So, um, last year, uh, has a salesperson, you know, I gross over a million dollars and has an investor. Now I'm at, uh, um, 44 doors and we just closed 27 unit building. Speaker 0 00:12:25 Amazing, amazing. Wow. Wow. What started out as a dream in India? You know, <laugh>, it's turned into incredible. Good for you. That's that's awesome. So thank you. Let's talk about that. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, let's talk about, um, uh, the million dollar comment there in real estate. Talk to me about what attracted to you, and then we're gonna get into this 27 unit building. What attracted you to real estate sales, for example, and getting licensed and everything like that. What was, what was going on in your mind then? Speaker 1 00:13:04 Yeah, so, uh, like I mentioned, like in 2018, my sister wedding, uh, was done and I borrowed a hundred thousand from friends and family. Um, so now I have I'm in depth. Okay. And I, I already understood the power of real estate because by then I owned two properties. Right. I bought it with 5% down. Um, so I, I have seen like how powerful the real estate is. Like with those two properties. I was positive thousand dollars cash flow every month and I was living for free. So I told myself like, you know, realist is the way out for financial freedom because I want to travel. I want my family to come over often. So that needed money. And I, for traveling, I don't have to have active income. Um, so that means I need more passive income, but this a hundred thousand came in depth, literally crashed everything because now I need to pay my debt. Speaker 1 00:13:57 And that is a hundred thousand. And I was working for, uh, 80,000 per year. The monthly salary was like $4,000 something. So paying my car, uh, by this time I have a car, um, and I'm married by this time. Uh, my wife was working at a bank. She was making like $1,500 a month. So we were like together making 5,500, uh, after our living expenses, probably we can save hardly like two to 3000 a month if we are frugal. Yeah. So I did my math. Like if I want to get out of this a hundred thousand depth, I need to work for another, like three to four years with this. Right. And for me that I felt like that's a long time because I have seen my dad in depth for years and years and never got out. Right. So that started to scare me even more. Speaker 1 00:14:51 I'm like, I wanna do something to get out of this depth quickly. And I looked at options what I have and, and, and I was already desperate about real estate by this time. Okay. So what is the, a, uh, place that I can be in so that I can continue to do investing? And at the same time I can make more active income. So sales was my ultimate reach because I, I worked with, um, only one real estate agent and she was my mentor and we were always talking like, you know, I was asking her, how much do you make? And all those things, I saw the numbers, like, you know, for every transaction, she's making like five to $10,000. This is like in 2018, because the still average sale, um, that she was doing was around 2000, do 200,000, right. So 200002.5 person, $5,000. I'm like, if I do two sales, that means I can double my salary. Right. That means I can reduce my, you know, um, the depth in, instead of four years, I can get it down to two years. Yes. That sounded to me much more promising than for waiting for this years. So I'm like, okay, this makes more sense. So then let me get my, uh, license. Speaker 0 00:16:03 Yes. Speaker 1 00:16:03 But still, there was a big question, like, oh, I get, I wanna get my license, but whom do I know who can buy with me? Because I'm still an immigrant, you know? Yeah. No connections here, no family, no friends. Like, I mean, I have some friends, but they're still like, you know, in their crunches like me. Um, so how many people I know, like, I, I, I was like, that bothered me for a couple more weeks. And then one good thing I have done throughout my career. I was reading books since I started my rich dad put, I started reading books about real estate. And I was also attending a lot of networking events and watching a lot of podcasts, you know, like yours and bigger pockets and different podcasts. Uh, one thing came in common, like many successful people take risk, but do some calculations and they be prepared. Speaker 1 00:16:54 So the preparedness that I have seen all these people like to become successfully as an agent, I need, uh, people to trust me in their real estate transactions. Right. So in recent times, many people are doing is that social media. I'm like, okay, what can I do on social media? And then I, uh, did a lot of research. YouTube pro was promising for me, so, okay. You know what, I'm gonna get my license. And I registered for exams on the same day, I started posting YouTube videos. So that's how I got into sales. Um, and long story short the first year itself, I cleared off my dips. Speaker 0 00:17:36 Wow. Congratulations. So here you were, you think, ah, if I maybe do one or two deals, I can double in my income, you paid off your, all your debt in the first year of becoming a first year estate. Speaker 1 00:17:49 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:50 Wow, amazing. Yeah, that, Speaker 1 00:17:51 That was, you Speaker 0 00:17:52 Worked your butt off, you worked your butt off, obviously when I introduced you on this show, uh, we talked about you having about 15,000 followers, uh, on YouTube and whatnot. Yeah. That's obviously paid dividends. Has it not like you must get a lot of traction from that and whatnot. Speaker 1 00:18:10 Yeah. Now it's over 22,000. Um, and uh, the Instagram blew up that's around like 10,000. Um, yeah. So because of that social media presence and I was like very genuine and authentic, like, because in Windsor, uh, I haven't seen anyone do content. We're sharing about what's Windsor about what's the good side and also bad side, uh, how investing makes sense in Windsor. Like no one was talking about it. And by this time I was already investing. So I was talking a lot about my investment portfolio, my story, right. Um, you know, my properties and my, um, thought process on how Windsor is like how I am looking at Windsor, why I love Windsor because, you know, personally I would live in Windsor for next 10, 20 years. I would love to because it's a perfect place that I have seen it got the perfect mix, but no one talking about that on social media, Speaker 0 00:19:07 The power. Speaker 1 00:19:08 So that was a huge advantage for me. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:19:10 Yeah, no, I, I completely, uh, understand that because I, social media definitely can, can help your business for sure. And, um, you know, people underestimate the power that social media has, um, you know, and OS obviously in a positive fashion for you and your business and growing your audience so on and so forth, which is outstanding, cuz it's obviously done you well. And you said, how many followers are you up to now on, uh, Instagram? Uh, Speaker 1 00:19:41 Close to 20 10,000. Speaker 0 00:19:43 Beautiful. Beautiful. Wow. Speaker 1 00:19:47 So again, it's a lot of consistency, right? Like a lot of people look at okay, 10,000 followers or 20,000 on real estate. Um, I know a lot of people start their social media journey, but they get, uh, disappointed in the first 1, 2, 3 months because it's a very slow process. The social media is a very slow process. It's not like you put a billboard, you'll get a call. Uh, you just pay money. You don't have to do anything, but here you gotta do it. Everything. Especially in the beginning I used to do like, uh, shooting my videos, prepare the content, write the content, edit them, post them, tag them, description, you know, all these things I, me and my wife, we used to do together. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's a lot of work. Speaker 0 00:20:33 Yeah, for sure. Absolutely amazing. So I want to get into, um, talking a little bit about, um, obviously, and we're gonna touch on this 27 unit building your portfolio, obviously you're still active in growing your portfolio. As you mentioned, you just got a 27 unit building. Um, tell us a little bit about your portfolio and then maybe segue into telling us about this building. You just got. Speaker 1 00:21:00 Sure. So, um, you know, one thing I strongly believe, um, every agent like us, whoever the agents in the market, you must invest because this active income is fantastic. But if you don't put it into work like Robert Kiosaki says, um, if you don't turn this active income, this business income into assets, the income is dev operating because you know, we buy home, we have buy, we have kids, you know, expenses, the income will be gone no matter, even if you make million dollars, if I don't invest that money, it's no use. So from the day when that was my fundamental, like no matter how busy I am with my sales, I want to continue to invest because I strongly believe real estate is the vehicle for financial freedom. So for me, my ultimate goal is financial freedom because not, not to make like, you know, 10 billion or 20 billion through sales. Um, of course that's fantastic. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, but I want the freedom to do things that I love to, which is like, you know, going back to back home, spending more time with my family spending travel time for traveling. Um, you know, those are for me, like way more meaningful than like, you know, making just on the papers, like 10 million. Speaker 0 00:22:18 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:20 So with that goal in mind, I continue to invest in, um, in real estate. So in the first, like when I got my license, I, I didn't qualify for mortgage because now I'm self-employed and I didn't have money. Yeah. So I, I started buying just like you, um, raised money from JB partners. So I found a partner, uh, whose friend of friend, my cousin's friend. Um, he gave me money and he asked me to, you know, um, show me what I can do in the first one property. Right. He gave me like 20, 30,000 and I, within six months I gave him money, his money back. I still gave him, you know, 60% ownership in the property. So he got his money back and within six months and he's owner of the property for 60%. Right. So pretty much he made 60% ownership in like just, uh, in six months because he partnered with someone who is active, doing all the crunches, finding the deal, all those things. Speaker 1 00:23:18 So that gave me more confidence. Okay. So that means I don't need my money. I can continue to make sales and whatever I make, I'm gonna put it back into the investing and I'll continue to invest with the other people's money because it's beneficial for the partner. It's beneficial for me. So with that motto, I was investing, uh, in small multi-family like duplexes, single families initially. Yeah. Um, and then, um, I got my first, multi-family building a 17 unit building in 2020. Um, this was with actually the tax money for the, from the sales income. Speaker 0 00:23:57 Oh, Speaker 1 00:23:59 We as agents, we have this privilege, right? Like where you will have tax money, saved up, you have to pay the taxes next year. Speaker 0 00:24:06 Yes. Speaker 1 00:24:06 You know, whereas job, you, your tax cut off and you get the money after taxes. So for 2020, I did very well. Like my income was around 50, uh, 500,000. So, but we didn't have corporation at that time. I don't know if you remember 20, 20, we didn't have no corporation. So that means all the income that you made after your expenses. It's taxable. Yes. So my expenses were as around like a hundred, hundred and 50. So I was, my taxable income was around three 50, 400,000. So I'm like, I need 200,000 for taxes for next year. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. So I was saving up that taxes, money, and end of December, December, 2020, I, I came across this 17 unit building deal and the numbers made so much sense and I couldn't resist. Like, I'm like, okay, I'm gonna use my tax money. I'm gonna make more money, pay that taxes in, you know, next year I'll take care of that later. And I, I found another partner. We both partnered up put equal money, another agent as well. So we buy this deal. And within like eight to 10 months, we refinanced and we got all the money back. So we own the building and I paid my taxes Speaker 0 00:25:19 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:25:20 So that was like super powerful. Speaker 0 00:25:22 Yeah. So the money you set aside that you need to pay your taxes from your, from your sales, you, you, you essentially used that money. You set aside, plus I guess some other funds from a, a partner or whatnot, and you were able to buy the building and then refinance the building. Yep. Obviously after stabilization and then to pull your equity out. So essentially it was a hundred percent bur at the end of the day, and you got all the equity out and then you took back your original money and paid off your taxes that we're willing to the government genius and genius. I mean, and, and that's exactly obviously what we do, um, successful birds like that, but that's yeah, that's, there's no other, you know what, in my opinion, there's no other better way to circulate your capital, right. Money in money out. I like to say money in money out anywhere between six to 10 months, typically, you know, on our acquisitions as well, money in money, out onto the next money in money, out onto the next. And here's another example for everybody to say it works. The bird strategy is amazing period, right? Like no brainer guys. Here's another successful story. So Speaker 1 00:26:47 Tell me, of course, you know, sorry, Speaker 0 00:26:49 Go ahead. How quickly before we, uh, we forget to ask you, uh, the 45 unit, you said you just picked up a 45 unit building Speaker 1 00:26:56 Or something 27 unit building. Speaker 0 00:26:57 How many? Speaker 1 00:26:58 27, 27. Speaker 0 00:27:00 Tell us a little bit about that quickly. Speaker 1 00:27:02 Yeah. So this one is, uh, right before the market started to slow down. Okay. Um, in April, um, we had it on contractor in April. We closed it, uh, just last month. Um, so even at that time, even now the Mar deals still like it's, it's a, in a prime location in Windsor, very good location. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and solid building, solid Italian built, um, 2000 1980s built mm-hmm <affirmative>, mm-hmm <affirmative> purpose built, uh, property and completely occupied. Uh, but under rented. Speaker 0 00:27:36 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:27:37 Um, very nice and solid structure, but lot of value to add in because the utilities only one hydrometer, uh, and it's a baseboard heating. Speaker 0 00:27:48 Oh wow. Speaker 1 00:27:49 And all the kitchens and washrooms are all nice and clean, but completely dated. Speaker 0 00:27:54 Right. Wow. Speaker 1 00:27:56 So, um, I knew there is a lot of value to add in, and we got this building for 140 per, and even at this point, there is no inventory in, uh, you know, even though the, the market is very slow, but there is no inventory for multi-family in Windsor, no inventory, like for over 10 units, you, you hardly see any properties in, in Windsor market and, and prime location, like this, forget about it. So we have it for 140, but the sweetest thing here is the seller is holding the mortgage for next two years for a fixed four person interest Speaker 0 00:28:34 <laugh> so good deal. Good deal. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:28:37 So we just need to come up with 20% plus renovation money. So me and my partner, we completely raised money. So this one, I didn't put even a dollar because I believe the deal is like super solid. Um, and, um, you know, now I have a decent, um, size, uh, database where a lot of investors were interested to partner with me, um, cash, um, don't have proper deals, uh, who want to have that financial freedom, you know, for long run, uh, wanna do that bur take the money out because this is the same strategy that I'm gonna implement, like my 17 year building, because the first one I did with my own money, because I was, you know, I didn't know what I'm doing. I was still like, you know, learning about all the nitty integrators, how to do on the multifamily. And my first building was exactly same as this one, solid Italian built all one hydrometers I got them separated and I started turning the units cash for key, you know, negotiate with the tenants and get the tenants. Yeah. Do some cosmetic updates. And the rents, or like average rents are around $800 in that building. But the market average rent, those are like, half of them are two bedroom. Half of them are one bedroom and two bachelor units. So the average two bedrooms are like going around 1500 in this area. Average one bedrooms are going around 1250. Exactly. So, Speaker 0 00:30:01 So almost double Speaker 1 00:30:02 You can exactly Speaker 0 00:30:03 Enforce double appreciation on those units. Speaker 1 00:30:06 Yeah. And you know, the multifamilies, it's all about capric. So when we bought it with the current income, we were at a capric of 3.7. Speaker 0 00:30:16 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:30:16 So for a solid building prime location, first of all, people were buying with a potential capric in Windsor at this time. And whereas here we got actual capric at 3.7 and with the potential, if we can turn over at least 30 to 40% of the units, we can refi and get our money out Speaker 0 00:30:40 Just 30 to 40%, 30 Speaker 1 00:30:41 To 40% to the market range, Speaker 0 00:30:44 Get your money out. So you stabilize the whole building. You're gonna come out with the surplus. Speaker 1 00:30:50 Yes. Speaker 0 00:30:52 Which is infinite return. Right. I Speaker 1 00:30:54 Always try. Yeah, exactly. Because once our investors get their money, they still have the ownership and they got their money out. Uh, and of course this one might take a year or year and F because it's a bigger building. Yeah. Takes a little longer. Yeah. But we are gonna utilize the full two years because we have two years, four, 4% fixed rate, uh, and interest only payments with the current owner. So we wanna take advantage of that. Speaker 0 00:31:21 Gotta love the vendor, take back mortgages for sure. That's amazing. Amazing. All right. Um, so couple, couple other things on my mind I want to talk about, um, what are some of the, in your opinion, mm-hmm <affirmative> um, what, what do you believe is the first step to becoming a successful real estate investor? Speaker 1 00:31:50 So, first thing is you gotta believe in the believe in what you're doing. You know, personally, like I have seen many people, they want to invest one. They don't believe because the belief doesn't come in without educating yourself. So if you don't educate yourself on what is the current market look like? What's the average rents are, or what's the locations are, which neighborhoods are good, average below average, you know, all those things. If you don't educate yourself, the belief doesn't come in. And if you don't have belief, you won't take actions. Period. There is a lot of distraction out there. So the first step is start educating yourself. And once you get EDU enough education start taking actions, because that's another thing I see a lot of people there's lot of knowledge out there, like, you know, like your podcast, my YouTube channel, mm-hmm, <affirmative> a lot of other great, great resources out there for available for everyone. You don't even have to pay, like for free, you take this education and if you do nothing, you're not going anywhere. Speaker 0 00:33:02 Right. Right. Speaker 1 00:33:04 So educate yourself and take actions on what you learn. Like, because, you know, that's how I was like, I have no freaking clue. What's real estate, drywall, insulation, all these things, no clue coming from completely different country, no family background, no financial background. Like nothing. If I can do it, like you can do it too. Only difference is, would you act on what you learn? I acted on everything that I'm learning. That I felt everything that I believed I acted on. Like, I, I believe that social media can help my business on investing in sales. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I act on and I'm acting every day. Like you will see like every day there is a video or post going out on my social media platform because I believe in it. So what do you believe in, do you take actions accordingly? Speaker 0 00:33:55 Great advice, great advice. And you can't act if you don't have the knowledge. So another great piece of advice, get yourself the knowledge you need to feel comfortable to take action, right? Yeah. Cause if you don't have that knowledge, you're always gonna be like, oh, do I, now later when you know, I, I, I Speaker 1 00:34:16 So many questions. Right? Speaker 0 00:34:18 I couldn't agree more. Couldn't more so as we, as we come to the end of the show, lots, lots of great advice. Um, we're getting to our, um, final couple of questions. I like to ask every guest upon the conclusion of the interview. Um, you're very successful now. And we say that relative to how the world success do you think there's still more to life for you and when you picture more to life, what do you see? Speaker 1 00:34:53 So I, I, you know, I would say I reached my milestone one, the milestone was financial freedom. First that was, I started with, and I reached that now. Um, but that doesn't mean that, you know, I have everything in the world, you know, I wanna travel all the countries in the world. So that means I have a long way to go. I need a good amount of money. And now a new thing added to my life is I am expecting a baby coming in October and baby girl. Speaker 0 00:35:24 Beautiful. Speaker 1 00:35:25 So now she's gonna bring a lot more responsibility to my life and I wanna be her hero. You know, I wanna set a bar high for her. So, you know, uh, there is always, um, new milestones come up. So right now my new milestones is like, you know, I wanna travel all these countries, but at the same time, uh, I wanna, you know, take my sales business and investing business to the next level so that, you know, I become the more, you know, iconic person for my daughter and also like my community. Um, this is another thing that keeps me motivating, always to do more content is like, you know, there are a lot of young people, uh, from the place where I came from, uh, but doing not much in their life because they don't have enough, uh, emotional support or they couldn't see that where their future could be. So I wanna be their hero and teach, show them the path. So that's that, that is what pushes me every day. So there's a lot more milestones to come in future too. Speaker 0 00:36:32 Beautiful. Last question. If you could give one piece of advice to the people listening out there, just one piece of advice, what would that be Speaker 1 00:36:45 To believe in yourself? No one, no one will, you know, your dad, your mom, your wife, whatever they say, don't give a fuck with her for that. Just believe in yourself. If you put your heart and mind to whatever you wanna do, you can do it. And there is a lot of resources out there. A lot of help out there. You just believe in Speaker 0 00:37:09 Yourself, couldn't agree. More. Couldn't agree more. There was when I was 23 years old, I was hired on the police department. And, you know, a lot of people didn't believe I could do it. And it was a time where they weren't really hiring a lot of officers. And, um, it was very hard to get in and, you know, even my parents, my, my father even thought, ah, I don't know. I think you're wasting your time. You know, it's so hard to get in it's this it's that, you know, and I was the guy that said, no, I, I always wanted to be a cop ever since I was three years old, so to speak. And I thought, no, I'm gonna do this. And I was the guy out, running and jogging in the snow in the winter, trying to get in shape for my physical test when I got hired. And I believed in myself exactly what you're saying, and I believed I'm gonna do this. They're not gonna stop me. And it was the same thing when I transitioned to real estate investing and, and you know, I'm going to seek financial freedom and I'm gonna have financial freedom, and I'm gonna believe in myself that this will happen. So ADI, I can't agree with you more with that amazing piece of advice. Amazing. Speaker 1 00:38:31 Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Great story. You know, that's, that's it like you, you summarized with a very good story there, you know, everyone have that superpowers in you, it's just, you need to unlock. Speaker 0 00:38:42 Absolutely. All right. So for people out there listening, and I'm sure there's gonna be several who want to reach out to you and carry a conversation with you for the, for all, you know, they wanted reach out to you and maybe we have some Windsor people that wanna invest out there and use you as their agent or, or maybe joint venture with you, uh, in a, in a partnership with another building out there. Um, how do they get ahold of you? Speaker 1 00:39:07 So, like I mentioned, uh, Instagram is the best place, um, very active on Instagram DME there. Um, and I can give you the email and the phone number for my, um, to reach out to me and yeah, YouTube, YouTube and Instagram. Speaker 0 00:39:24 Awesome. So what's your, uh, what's your on Instagram? Speaker 1 00:39:29 It's uh, just what you see on the screen. ADI Kumar, Soma ADI ABI, P Y a Kumar, K U M a R Soma S O M a or in simple, if you wanna find me just on YouTube search Windsor, Ontario, Speaker 0 00:39:46 That's it. Speaker 1 00:39:47 You should see in the first five or 10 videos, you should see a couple of them. Mine. Speaker 0 00:39:51 There you go. Awesome. Well, it was a pleasure having you on, uh, tons of great advice, amazing story. And you know, it just comes back to that whole, that whole mindset of having nothing but having the right mindset to get started and believing in yourself. And here's another example, everybody that, uh, here's someone that, uh, is crushing it, it's absolutely crushing it. And yet came from zero, came from nothing but debt really. Right. Yeah. And, uh, you know, now is crushing it. So congratulations on all your success and I wish you, your family and your, uh, newborn daughter to come all the best of health and happiness. Speaker 1 00:40:35 Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. Speaker 0 00:40:37 Yes, sir.

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