Why Everyone Needs to Invest in Real Estate with Monika Jazyk

Episode 30 June 21, 2022 00:37:14
Why Everyone Needs to Invest in Real Estate with Monika Jazyk
More To Life: Real Estate Investing Podcast
Why Everyone Needs to Invest in Real Estate with Monika Jazyk

Jun 21 2022 | 00:37:14


Show Notes

Our guest today is Monika Jazyk, a mother of 4 who has built an incredible real estate portfolio in the last 10 years. Now, she looks to have a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible by sharing her knowledge. 

She is the creator of Real Property Investments, Inc which specializes in helping individuals and companies create wealth through real estate and alternate investment products. Monika talks about the importance and value of passive investing, and how it allows your money to grow and gives you your freedom to focus on your job or family. 

Listen today to learn more about these topics...

and much more!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Unlock more to life with Adrian Penoza real estate investing podcast, where we broadcast interviews with successful real estate investors across north America, to empower you on your journey, to unlocking more to life with real estate and investing. Now, now here's your host, Adrian Penoza Speaker 1 00:00:27 Hey everyone. It's Adrian. Penoza here with the more to life real estate investing podcast, where we help you get more to life. So you can start living your dreams to the power of real estate. Investing. Our guest today is Monica jazz, a mother of four, who has built an incredible real estate portfolio in the last 10 years. Now, she looks to have a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible by sharing her knowledge. She is the creator of real property investments, Inc, which specializes in helping individuals and companies create wealth through real estate and alternate investment products. Monica talks about the importance of value of passive investing and how it allows your money to grow and gives you freedom to focus on your job or your family. So <inaudible> Monica. Welcome to the more to life real estate investing podcast. And thank you for being on our show. Speaker 2 00:01:35 Thank you so much for having me. And I have to say absolutely love the name of your podcast. More to life, more, Speaker 1 00:01:41 More to life. Absolutely. That's what it's all about. So, all right, well, let's get right into it, Monica. Um, for everyone that's not familiar with you, tell us a bit more about your, your incredible journey, where it started, how it kind of unfolded and where we are today with you. Speaker 2 00:02:00 Excellent. Yeah, so with my journey, it all started with me wanting to be over 18 years ago, wanting to be a stay at home mom. So we had our first, our, we have four kids, like you mentioned. And even after one child, I knew I was finishing my master's degree in teaching. And I realized at that point that I really wanted my first and most important job to be in this world. Um, a, a mom. And so after I was finished my degree, uh, we were raising our family on one salary and then which quickly accelerated to two children. And then we became homeowners and we really kind of started on our adult journey and really realized how expensive it is to live on one salary in this society. So I decided that I'm not gonna give up, uh, I'm gonna be a money expert and I was gonna take finances and put them to the forefront and learn absolutely everything that they're is to know about money and how it works. Speaker 2 00:03:03 So I think I came from the viewpoint of like 99.9, 9% of people out there today. Uh, really taking the traditional financial planning advice we've been given for so many years and really, um, telling my husband to work harder, trading time for money. Um, while we were saving our money in these low savings vehicles, like mutual funds, um, and not utilizing other ways to build wealth as efficiently as, as we know are possible now. So we continued down this path and, and it was tough, but we really felt like we were doing our part. We really felt like we, this was the way to go. Uh, in regards to wealth and to wealth building in them one day, miraculously, we're gonna have these funds available to retire. We're gonna have extra cash flow every month, and we're gonna be able to help send our kids to university and really give them the life that they wanna eat. Speaker 2 00:03:58 Mm-hmm <affirmative> so everything was plugging along and we were kind of on this hope and prayer strategy until 2008 hit. And all of these so-called savings, the little savings that we managed to accumulate disappeared forever. And we kind of had this light bulb moment where we realized, wow, I am the financial plan. I was forfeiting a hun like a six figure salary, basically to stay home with my children. Right. And I realized the only way we're ever gonna be able to afford to retire or help our kids out, uh, is for me to go to work full time. My husband was making very good money as well. So I kind of asked myself, what kind of society do we live in? If it takes two, six figure salaries to get by? So our main goal were to retire and to, um, provide for our kids and to give them that head start, which really isn't asking too much. But at that point I just realized we had to do something different and rich dad poor Dadd slipped across my desk, uh, just at that same time. And I'm a huge Robert Kiya hockey fan. I read the book and it just changed our life and our perspective on financial literacy forever. And so from that point on, we realized that real estate investing is the number one wealth builder. And this is the, the channel to wealth that we really wanted to pursue. Speaker 1 00:05:19 Amazing. So how does it unfold? You read the rich dad, poor dad, the light bulb goes off. And what happens after that? Like when do you obviously start buying properties or how does that all kind of evolve into ultimately the RPI education? Speaker 2 00:05:38 Uh, excellent question. So it's been a very tumultuous journey <laugh> so this was, I think, well, over 13, 14 years we've been at this and we started like so many people, uh, we felt the pain, we knew we had to do something different and we just crossed the fear and did it because I remember really, really distinctly looking out my window and remembering what it feels like that real estate is for rich people. And it's not for me. So I know what that feels like to not have the money, the time, the knowledge to get started. But when the pain just kind of got strong enough and we surrounded the fear, then we kind of went on a little bit of a shopping spree, uh, and pretty much bought three properties immediately out of the gate. And we made all the mistakes <laugh> that you could possibly make in real estate investing. Speaker 2 00:06:32 We actually, weren't doing too bad on our own, but we weren't following a system. We weren't following a proof of methodology. And we really did not know anyone else investing in real estate and had zero community to help guide us. So after we bought these properties, we then thought, Hmm, maybe we need to learn a little more about this real estate investing to guide us along the way. And we invested in our real estate education. So this too is also featured in our book real estate mistakes. I think it's in chapter, uh, I don't know, six called education overload. So we invested a large sum of money in our real estate education. Uh, cuz we had three children at the time. Our third was just, just born and we knew we had to continue and do something different. We now knew at this point we wanted to really make a go of this and, and do this full time. Speaker 2 00:07:22 And from a result of this education, we learned some great knowledge, but we also learned that it's impossible to learn how to invest in real estate with just three day courses and out without the support of, um, you know, of your networking community or your coach, that's really kind of what was missing. So we had all this information and because we spent so much money, we had a tremendous amount of pressure to implement. So in our first year of real estate, we probably did over a hundred transactions. Uh, yeah, a lot of wholesaling assignments. I'm not saying you close in every, all these properties, but we were real estate nuts. Like we were just working around the clock and doing real estate 24 7 and thinking this was a good thing. And in reality, this is not a good thing at all. And in a few short years we ended up making, uh, million dollars in mistakes, which we really detail in our book, real estate mistakes simply based on another mistake that investors make is they just do way too much too soon. Speaker 2 00:08:26 So that's one thing I really like to warn people about as well is kind of going, you know, you realize all these, you get fed up with the results, you're getting, doing things a traditional way. You learn a whole new way. And the exciting thing about real estate is it really introduces you to a whole new world that you never knew as possible in a financial world that you never really knew was possible. And it's very easy to get carried away. So if you're kind of at that point and you're super Uber excited, that's amazing. But you know, from our experience, you know, and our excitement and just this whole new world of possibilities, uh, that's really kind of was in one sense of the word it was to our detriment. But in the other sense, I'm very grateful for every single mistake I ever made in real estate for every single transaction I ever pursued because it's made me an excellent real estate consultant because we've pretty much done every type of real estate strategy <laugh> that you could possibly do out there. Speaker 2 00:09:21 So I understand real estate very, very well. I understand investments very well and I know how to help people build wealth, how to help my family build wealth. And, um, we've, we've done this for thousands of people giving them this time, money, freedom in their lives because that's what really people really want. Not everyone wants to be a full-time real estate investor. So I always tell people, you don't have to be a full-time real estate investor. You just have to have real estate in your portfolio. And that's what we're passionate about is just showing people these different ways of investing, how to incorporate it easily in your portfolio, by doing a less is more approach and really getting the benefits of that time, money, freedom. Speaker 1 00:10:07 So you said in your first year you did a hundred transactions Speaker 2 00:10:12 And that continued for like three years. Speaker 1 00:10:16 Wow. Speaker 2 00:10:16 We were real estate nuts. We were everywhere and doing everything under the sun. Like there wasn't a single person I thought or strategy that or person I thought we could not help or area. And it was so bad, Adrian, like some of these things. Now I look back at what we were doing and some of them were great deals. There was a lot of winners, but a lot of losers as well. And it's, it's amazing has, and you've been in this game for a long time, too. How you evolve as an investor as you, um, go along because the funny part is, is today. I remember looking out that window that many years ago, thinking this is, this game is, is too much. I can never be in this game. I can never buy the property next door. And today all I do is buy the properties next door. So we are in high growth areas now. And we, we just walked a fantastic property. We're closing on at the end of the month, this morning. And you know, in reality, it's just, if you know what you're doing, you know, your numbers, you know, your strategy and you can know how to make things work. It only takes a few transactions to really help you achieve these time, money, freedom goals. Speaker 1 00:11:30 Absolutely. <laugh>. Yeah. So if you were to take a guess at it, approximately, uh, since you started and I think you said you've been in the game 18 years, is that what you said? Speaker 2 00:11:43 No, I think we've been at, we've been in the game for about just over 13 years. 13, 14 years. Speaker 1 00:11:48 OK. Okay. It's 13 to 14 years. How many deals, how many properties deals do you think you've been involved in, in total in that amount of time? Speaker 2 00:12:01 You know, so many because we've helped so many people and we're a global company as well. So I'm doing multiple deals every week, every day, we are heavily involved in transactions and through our consulting and through the experts that we work with in regards to the real estate models we create to help people build well through real estate and alternative investments. And I really wanna make it clear to everyone that RPI education is not a fund. We're not looking for joint venture partners and I don't have properties available to sell to you. We are merely the education that creates the investment opportunity. We figure what out, what works, we add it to our own portfolio. And then we basically talk about it and share our team of experts with other people. So our deals that we're working on, like right now, we have a small, uh, land development project happening in, uh, Florida. Speaker 2 00:13:02 We are closing on a duplex at the, yeah, we have 14 homes on our construction. We'll do a hundred homes this year in a high growth area in Florida. We have a duplex that we are closing on. Um, on the 28th of, of this month here in Marco, Ontario, we also have some commercial properties that we're working on, uh, here also in, in Marco Ontario, some industrial warehouse space. And we even have some, um, duplex to Plex conversions happening in Aurelia, um, Berry downtown Toronto. So we really kind of focus on these areas that, that have these growth and work with these experts. And we've been with a lot of the experts at RPI education since we are buying single family homes. I mean, in Windsor, for example, we are buying single family homes in Windsor for under a hundred thousand dollars, you know, almost 10 years ago. So you've seen the tremendous growth that's occurred in that market. Uh, Barry was like under $200,000 OWA under $200,000. So what we've done rather than change areas is we have learned how to stay in these high growth areas and really change our real estate strategies. So we could stay in these markets, help them continue to be amazing, um, real estate's, uh, long term wealth builders, as well as at least cash flow positive and, you know, with, with some of the cash flow for sure. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:14:37 Mm-hmm, <affirmative> amazing. Amazing. So let's walk through it. Um, let's say I'm a novice or an intermediate investor or, um, whatever, whatever walk of life I'm from, but I have some capital and I wanna, I've made the decision that yeah, I wanna invest in real estate. And I hear about your company through this podcast per se, like walk me through it. So I, I get a hold of you. Um, and I say, Hey, Monica, um, I heard this podcast and, um, uh, I'm interested in learning and, and helping out you, your company, helping me out with the education piece of getting involved, walk me through, I guess, your program or how that works. Speaker 2 00:15:21 Excellent. So we have different types of coaching levels that we can help people with. Uh, our latest program that we've released is called the wealth immersion program. Uh, we aren't just real estate investors. We actually are wealth builders. So we really kind of give people that awareness and the education on how money works, uh, the exact education that would've really helped us out, uh, when we were starting out mm-hmm <affirmative> and this ranges from real estate investing all the way to like strategic leverage self-directing taxes, uh, and estate planning and insurance. And these are things that the everyday person really, really does not have much financial literacy in. So our, our goal with this program is to give people the information that they need in the event. They're not ready for a coach yet to walk them through a 12 month program on their own, uh, time, their own leisure, but to really make sure they address all these seven wealth keys, we actually help accelerate people from all walks of life to invest like the top 2%. Speaker 2 00:16:27 Cuz our main goal at RPI education is to fill this wealth gap that's experienced by middle class society. It's really going extinct with this sort of information that everyone's given through the application. They're able to transform their own wealth without ever having to have actual expensive one-on-one coaching like we had to go through. So that was the main program that we were working on, but we do pair it with group coaching online. So people cuz I believe people need people and people need communities. And RPI education is far beyond VA or myself. We are a global company and we have experts all over. So I want everyone learning from people in their own backyard, from all different walks of life that have their own areas of expertise. So we pair the online education with actually coming on face to face ourselves and other experts, asking questions and always having the chance to get their questions answered. Speaker 2 00:17:27 So that's the, the entry level at RPI education. And after that really for the, for the coaching in all our coaching, we really do what we call a wealth blueprint. And I wanna learn all about you. I do an hour call, figure out what you want, who are you? What are you trying to achieve? And you know how everyone Adrian in life has like their, their one skill that they're so good at? Yeah, mine really is hearing people's situation and coming up with transformational ideas to help them create the life they want because the last thing you need is another cookie cutter real estate investing solution. And I think that's kind of what the education industry in real estate, uh, investing really has given people so far. Whereas in reality, the only important thing is you and what your goals are, what you can do and what you're trying to achieve. Speaker 2 00:18:21 So I guess maybe from being a mother of forum, a very good listener and I'm just able to hear people and really what they want to achieve and really help people get there fast. Now, one person asked me once, well, how fast can I be expected to achieve? And I said, well, you know, if you are a pre-qualified investor and you have a down payment money, we can be celebrating your first closing in six weeks. And it really, and you know, as an investor, people just get that guidance and that clarity and that headline and they are ready to go in that way they can achieve in six weeks. But what if they don't, what if they don't have the money or they don't have the time or they don't have the buying power. It's okay if you don't have enough money and you're living hand to mouth every month, or if you don't have a down payment or you don't have the buying power, don't run away and say this game isn't for you. Speaker 2 00:19:09 Don't be like me 10 years ago looking at the window going, oh my gosh, I could never do this. Make more money. I could teach you how to make more money. We could teach you how to save down payment, money, improve your, uh, mortgage qualifications, improve your credit. There's a lot of people that come to us that are totally rebuilding and this is life. So no matter where you are in life, we have students as young as 19, we have students as old as 65 or shall I say, as young as 65, cause what the pep that they have in their step, they don't seem too old for me, but it really is just no matter where anyone's coming from, whatever your age, your socioeconomic status, um, whatever, anything, you know, your gender, anything you could do this and real estate investing is you're not out of this game and you're not the only thing locking you out of this game is you. Speaker 2 00:20:00 So with a little bit of guidance and understanding and just, you know, ideas. And that that's really what coaching is I think is really, you know, those like Tony Robbins says that two millimeter, um, change from an outside person who could just see in and guide you that one little action could just transform your life. And that's what we're really about is just transferring those lives and giving them the absolute best life possible. So we try to design all of our coaching programs to be personalized, um, to have access to a community, to be affordable and to be applicable. Cuz I want anyone else out there to end up with a hundred thousand dollars education standing in a construction field crying <laugh> cause I didn't know where my coach was. <laugh> yeah. And I don't want that for any, any of the wonderful people out here listening. So Speaker 1 00:20:55 Amazing great advice. Absolutely great advice. Couldn't have said it better myself. Um, your book book, you're now an author, a speaker and television personality. When did all that kind of start for you with the book, the, the, the, the speaker and the television and everything else. How did that start and how did that open up doors in your world? Speaker 2 00:21:25 That that was such a fun, unexpected turn. All of those things because all I really wanted to do was be a stay at, stay at home mom and <laugh>, that was our intention. And we started a networking group, uh, cuz we didn't know anyone. And I was like just about to have, you know, our fourth child and um, we needed to meet people and that's this group is actually still running, which led us to ask other speakers to come up and we really got to meet. That's actually how we met our team of experts is from this. So after people started coming out and learning about this, and then we were learning with our speakers and we got more out there on the circuit as well. Then people started wanting to hear what we had to say. And that's when all of a sudden people started asking me to speak and to share our story, um, you know, with, with other real estate investors. Speaker 2 00:22:25 And I always say yes, because I really love to share knowledge cause I know exactly what people are going through and I'm really committed to helping them achieve the television people start asking, can you speak, can you speak at this event? Can you come on my television show? Can you come on the radio? I do a lot for the magazines as well for the newspapers. I get a lot of calls for the national post real estate wealth magazine. McLeans um, CFRB 10, 10 talk radios. And I guess just somewhere along the lines is we really were one of the earliest event, uh, networking groups out there, rain I think was in existence then and pretty much us and maybe another couples that were very centralized, like in, in specific areas. But in Toronto, you know, there really wasn't that, that many. And so I'm really grateful to having this community and we actually just had, we are still having events every month. Speaker 2 00:23:22 It's amazing. It still exists. And it's grown now to that. We have 30 chapters throughout the globe actually. Wow. And we have all these events and all this information, but it just kind of really happened organically. Now the book was a challenge from our business coach. We, uh, finally what pulled my head outta the stand from this real estate mad woman journey I was on was this amazing coach who was a focus coach and a business coach who said, lady, you are nuts and you need to focus and do a less is more. And he was an excellent coach. I've worked with him for over five years and um, he just transformed our lives for sure. He was an incredible coach. And you know, he challenged me in one of his things. He always made things seem so easy. I loved working with him. He challenged me. Speaker 2 00:24:09 He had a three week book writing challenge and obviously I have four kids in running this business. So he gave me three months to do it. Uh, but from that, and I, I do have a writing has always been one of my strengths. So finance economics business, no, no background with that sort of stuff. But writing was always something I've been very, very strong at. So for me, I think it came really easily because the book is such a tell all, and it's a not there's no men's that behind this book, this is a entertaining, light read that you could probably sit down in one day and it really is a what not to do. And we really just wanted to save anyone from the mistakes we made. So we titled that real estate mistakes are mistakes, your success. And we finished the book in less than three months and it is a real book. Speaker 2 00:24:55 It sold on Amazon. It's about 300 pages. Uh, but I think the way that we wrote it was so much lightness. And also with the hindsight is 2020 at the end of each chapter to really give people that Kohl's notes version of what not to do. But I try to be very honest with our experiences as investors. And I always just joke around about like, you know, um, like I'm still learning, I'm still building wealth every day I wake up and I'm figuring out, you know, what am I going to do? I have my goals for our portfolio. And I always just say like, I'm, it seems like we're leading, but I'm still learning too. I'm not this perfect person that just sits around in my wealth, my wealth all day. And I really wanted that to come out in the book as well that it's okay to make mistakes. Speaker 2 00:25:44 And it's, don't be ashamed of your mistakes should be proud of your mistakes, but learn from your mistakes and even better learn from the mistakes of others. So as a consultant, a wealth consultant, I love sharing my live journeys that I'm still doing to bill wealth and people, a lot of people, thousands of people have saved so much money and so much time, uh, from learning off the skins of our back, really, we still are these pioneers that spend our time with our finger on the pulse, figuring out what works in today's markets and being the first people out of the gate, going and doing it and documenting it and really, really sharing it. So I, I love, and the book was written like about six years ago or it was written quite a while ago. I'm actually should be writing my next book, um, which really will be aimed towards filling this wealth gap that's experienced in society today. So I think it'll be a little more of an intellectual, uh, type book and, and to really have that impact and awareness to get everyday people who don't even know they wanna invest in real estate make this type, these types of investments, more commonplace for the everyday person. Speaker 1 00:26:57 Absolutely. And just, just for anybody that I missed it, what's the book called again, Speaker 2 00:27:03 Uh, real estate mistakes are mistakes, your success. Speaker 1 00:27:08 Amazing. Speaker 2 00:27:09 I'm gonna send you a copy. <laugh> you're so nice. Thank you for having, Speaker 1 00:27:14 I love the copy. Um, so we're getting towards the end. We're hovering around 27 minutes. Now we try to keep it, you know, give or take around 30 ish or so for that commuter who likes to listen to the podcast on the way home or on the way to work and whatnot, but Monica, nobody can be an overnight success and near a classic example of that in this real estate game. If you had to restart your career today, where would you do it? And would you change anything? Speaker 2 00:27:47 Ooh, yes, I would have, well, I wouldn't, if I had to start over today, I would've worked with a coach who had a proven track record of success and achieved what I want to achieve. So if I was to look back at that, what would be important to me would be a very honest and forthcoming, uh, individual who would give me very, very practical advice that helps you really accelerate your wealth while being able to really have that time money, freedom. So for me, what's most important is how can I make more money than I ever thought was possible. So rather than going to work every day, I could be home with my kids on the soccer field, on the basketball court, watching and cheering from the sections, uh, and really having some sort of time for myself, my husband and my family and friends. Speaker 2 00:28:52 And that's really what I wanna do. So I would learn from someone that was a family centric coach that could really show me how to get there. And I think that kind of largely represents who I am. And as a coach, those are the people that I tend to really like to help are people who just want to start investing differently, cuz they just want more of that time, money, freedom in their life. They don't wanna be, you know, necessarily having the fountains and the dancing girls like Tom boo and the, the helicopters in the background. They just want to, to help out their families and really, you know, as a reality learning some of these wealth, you know, applications, you can achieve more money than you ever thought was possible. So that's, that was the only change. But it's hard for me to say, I regret the mistakes because if I didn't make those mistakes, I really think that I would just be reaping all the benefits and, and doing all that great stuff I told you about. But the greatest benefit that I really want is to make the most impact on being a game changer and to fill this wealth gap by changing a million lives around the globe in developed nations. Speaker 1 00:30:05 Yeah. And you know what, that's great advice. And I'll tell you why my, my career, my real estate career and, uh, really took off as well when I hunkered down and started to work with a business coach. Um, it, uh, it, it is a little costly, but I'm like, I can't say enough that it completely changed my business. And like I mentioned, um, when we were off air there and we started this, um, this interview, I was a police officer for 21 years and never in my wildest dreams would ever picture that I would be owner of 370 units. Um, you know, I, I had a very small mindset when I first started thinking I just want, and I was still a cop at the time and I just want one or two rental properties, you know, a little bit of cash flow from when I retire to subsidize my pension and never thought until things started to go in that direction. Speaker 1 00:31:07 And then again, I left the police department and hired a business coach, cuz I said, okay, now I'm focused and this is I'm going in all, all in. And uh, my career in real estate investing definitely accelerated. So I second that great advice. Uh, it could save you a lot of time. It could save you a lot of money and it, it definitely can give you a different perspective on how to look at things and open up many more doors that you probably never really knew were possible. That's absolutely amazing. Yeah. So last question. My favorite question as we wrap up, um, Monica, you're very successful now obviously, and we say that relative to the world on, sorry, we say that relative to how the world views success, but do you think Monica, there is more to life for you and when you picture more to life for Monica, what do you see? Speaker 2 00:32:17 Oh, well, there's definitely more to life than real estate investing and with real estate. And this is what you have to remember if your end goal with real estate investing, um, is, has to do with money. You're in the wrong business. It has to do with what is important to you in your life. And remember my job was to be a stay at home mom and I was not that for the first few years of investing, I was a psychotic full-time real estate investor. I was not taking care of any kids. I, they were there and I was there, but that's not what it's about. So if anyone wants to know my true success in, uh, this world, I will just leave it by saying it is Thursday at two o'clock in the afternoon when we started at this podcast. And that's how I'm able to spend my time. So if that's not success and having control over time, I don't know what it's Speaker 1 00:33:21 Absolutely absolutely time. Freedom, Speaker 2 00:33:25 Money, Speaker 1 00:33:26 Geographical freedom, to be able to pick up a laptop and work in Spain today, if you wanted to or, or go to Europe or that geographical freedom and time freedom is so incredible. Speaker 2 00:33:43 But, but get what guess what else I get to do? What next Friday I get to go see my daughter's track tournament and I get to stay for all three races. Cause I don't have a boss. I have to ask, I don't have to ask. I can do that. And I also get to volunteer in their rooms or I get to play tennis as many times a week as I want. I just choose three. Cause we don't wanna overdo it, but this is really what people want. I don't think anyone wants the consumer items more so than that control. And then the consumer items. It's just the fun part. But I think it's just so much, like you said, that's why I love your podcasting more to life. And this is really when people wanna look at yourself and you ask, what do I stand for? Speaker 2 00:34:26 And what do I really want? And one of our experts, one of our mortgage specialists out in BC and one of the group coaching sessions, it was funny cuz he is like, I asked myself, do I want it <laugh> and if I want it, I'm gonna get it. And that's what everyone here listening really has to ask yourself, what do you want? Do you want it? Just go for it? Cuz this is your one life and you gotta live it. Otherwise life's gonna live you and all the good parts are, are gonna go away. And so it really is simpler than you than you think. And, and really anything's possible. The only thing that's impossible is the word impossible because it actually makes up two words from I'm possible. So Speaker 1 00:35:09 Wow. Never heard that one before. I'm possible 1000000%. Wow. Some really, really strong, powerful words there. And, and words of wisdom, Monica, thank you so, so much. So Monica, I'm sure there's gonna be some people on, uh, our show, definitely wanting to reach out to you and get involved with you and your company. People get Monica Speaker 2 00:35:39 RPI education.com and you could book a discovery call from there or learn more about us Speaker 1 00:35:50 RPI education.com. Speaker 2 00:35:52 Yes. Speaker 1 00:35:53 Amazing. Alrighty. Well thanks again, Monica. I'm sure. Uh, this has been a great episode and I'm sure you'll definitely, uh, have people reaching out to you because guys for everybody listening, can I can't stress enough? When I started 11 years ago, had I connected with somebody like Monica, it could have 100% accelerated what I wanted to do, but even yet just saved me some time, money, mistakes that like your book, you don't learn from our mistakes sort of speak it. It's it's, it's so worth it. So I highly recommend you guys reach out. Um, if you're on the fence about getting started, how to get started the wrongs or the rights and stuff like that, I'd love to do it. Um, but I just don't have the time to run a, a, a coaching or a company like that. And Monica's the expert. So Monica on that note. Thanks again, Monica. Truly appreciate your time today and continued success. Speaker 2 00:36:57 Thank you so much.

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